Thursday, November 11, 2021

Thursday on the Mountain, November 11

Quiet Time...

“Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil, for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.”

‭‭Psalms‬ ‭23:4‬ 

Dad didn't call me last night but my sleep still wasn't real good...I think I am just anxious and keep checking the monitor... I don't want Mom to get up with him...I need her as well as she can be. Two of them needing my continuous care would not be a good thing :-) 
It wasn't a 20% disruption like the night before last, but still not optimum...

Maggie loves to roll up in the covers but occasionally needs to come up for air :-)

I love the early morning hour sitting here with Lanny and the pups (and sometimes the kitty).

I fed the fur kids and headed out to release the chicks and ducks...
It is SO beautiful up here...a bit chilly, but OH so beautiful. Love the fall colors!

My duck eggs this morning :-( 
First time EVER that I didn't get at least one duck egg...

Shannon brought us up some Rapid Tests for Covid last night...we have to have negative results in order to get an eye YAY! We are NEGATIVE... I know it is the 11th and I accidentally put the 12th on them...I am always confused these days...COVID Brain, right!?
Our appointments are next Tuesday. Both of us are way past due for our exams!

I looked out the kitchen window and what did I see?
A duck egg right in the middle of the yard!
Crazy duck!!

But I have my lone egg, right?

I made Grilled Cheese Sandwiches for lunch.
We didn't get to take a snooze because Dad's bath nurse came right after lunch.
Then Dad laid down just long enough for me to sit down, put my feet up, gather my pups around me, put my head back...and then he called for me :-) No rest for the weary!

I made Fish Sticks, Normandy Veggies, Corn, Beets, Garlic Cheese Toast and Pudding for Dinner.

Lanny picked up the puppy piles, I put the chicks and ducks to bed (sounds like a broken record, doesn't it?)...

We finished the Jurassic Park movies Tuesday night, and last night I watched some Star Trek Episodes while Lanny was at work. I don't know what he will pick for tonight...I'll let you know tomorrow.

Goodnight Y'all..
Sweet Dreams...

God bless you ALL and thank you for your prayers!

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