Friday, November 26, 2021

Friday on the Farm... November 26

Quiet Time...
“Every good thing given and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shifting shadow.”

‭‭James‬ ‭1:17 


Dad slept from around 10 until 4...not too bad!!
Then he was ready for coffee and a donut...
and I was ready for some Quiet Bible Study with my pack...

After Quiet Time I did my thing...beds, meds and fur kids and Lanny tried to eat a bowl of cereal in peace...nope, Max knows when milk is involved!!

Headed out to take care of the feathered kids...

Saved them some leftovers from Thanksgiving 
(turkey and all...they do not discriminate :-) )
... they LOVED it... much so that they were not real interested in my Scratch Grain Smiley Face :-)

One lone duck egg... another day or two and I will have enough 
for a Breakfast Dinner!

Making some Sandwich Bread...

View from the big bay doors...

Paula is doing laundry and the dogs MUST supervise...

Turkey Sandwiches for lunch...what else the day after Thanksgiving?

A few photos of my fur kids...
Maggie is 8...yesterday was her birthday...

Mitzi is 11...her birthday is Halloween...

Murphy will be 4 on Christmas Day...

Max is 5...his birthday is Mother's Day...
they are all rescue and their ages were estimated by the vet. SO...
we gave them special birthdays near to when they estimated...

Paula and I decorated the Common area a little bit...
needed a bit of Christmas Spirit... we are hoping to get a big tree to go out there...

My wood cook's a beauty. 
We don't have it hooked up yet but one of these days...

This is probably the limit of inside decorations...
I am just not up to decorating big time this year...
A few red things here and there will be just fine...

...and the little trees... in the dining room...

For supper I made some little Pizza's using Hawaiian Rolls, homemade pizza sauce, mozzarella and pepperoni...always good, easy and filling.

My little Christmas Pups...aren't they CUTE!!!

The kitchen is clean, the back yard is clean, the chicks and ducks are safe in bed, we are in our Jammies and getting ready to settle in for a long winters night...not sure what we will watch... perhaps the next Star Trek movie...

Goodnight Y'all...

God bless us EVERY ONE!!

Sweet Dreams...

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