Saturday, November 27, 2021

Saturday in the Mountains... November 27

Quiet Time...

“The Lord bless you, and keep you; The Lord make His face shine on you, and be gracious to you; The Lord lift up His countenance on you, and give you peace.’”
‭‭Numbers‬ ‭6:24-26‬

***** from last night, while we were watching Star Trek: The Motion Picture (an OLD one)... Maggie and Murphy were actually TOUCHING each other!! I don't think Maggie realized it. She thought it was her Daddy's leg :-)

The Ice Cream Maniac...


Dad went to bed at a decent hour last night but was up before midnight and stayed up all night in his chair... I gave him some coffee and a donut about 4:30 and by 5 he was back in the bed. He truly does have his days and nights mixed up!! 

Another COLD, wintery morning...

Bible Study Buddies... Mitzi never gets in the blankets. You'd think a Jack Russell would be a blanket baby. Maggie and Murphy ALWAYS want under the covers...

I usually get about 90 minutes of Quiet Time in the morning for Bible Reading, study and Devotions (with a few interruptions in order to fix Dad's covers if he is back in bed, warm his coffee, or to get him something else to eat, etc.....) and then around 6 the pups let me know that it its breakfast time! They can ALL tell time, but they seem to be still on Daylight Savings, because they start giving me the eye a lot earlier. I have to keep telling them "not yet, not yet"... :-)

So after the beds, the meds and the pups and kitty fed I head out to brave the cold morning...

They didn't have Thanksgiving left overs this morning so enjoyed their Scratch Grain treat...

My duck egg for the day...

I am going to make Hamburgers for Sunday Lunch tomorrow so the grilling happens today... no matter how cold it is, you do what 'cha gotta do! 

For our lunch today I doctored up some Ramen. I know Ramen isn't that good for you but it sure is good tastin', especially when you add the last of the left over turkey, some sweet peppers and corn...Yum!

I started to say, let sleeping ducks lie, but I think the saying is "dogs"..... :-)
Notice one is standing, and on one leg. That is Draco the male. He sleeps, but he is always ready for danger :-)

Our lunch...

And then the pups say...lunch is over, time for a nap!
And they are right!

Look at this sweet face...

Oh look, another cute picture of Sylvia Faye! :-)

I cut and filed Mom's nails today...

My Christmas Pups...
It is definitely a DOG'S LIFE around here!

And a CAT'S LIFE as well :-)

For supper I made Beef and Broccoli over Rice with Garlic Toast...
Pudding for dessert...

The kitchen is clean, the back yard is picked up, the chickens and ducks are in bed and they have nice, fresh water...

Lanny is in the shower and I am in my Jammies waiting to snuggle on the couch with him and the fur kids...I think Wrath of Kahn (Star Trek) is up for tonight...

Goodnight Y'all...
Love to you all!!
Sweet Dreams and God bless!

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 Quiet Time Bible Study... πŸ‚πŸ ““Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied.” ‭‭Matthew‬ ‭5‬:‭6...