Monday, November 1, 2021

Monday, First Day of November!


Dad's appointment went well...his lungs are clear and everything looks and sounds good... Doc said it takes about a week per decade to get your strength back. So for Dad that is nine down, eight to go. His legs and arms are stronger every day. Now if he would just SLEEP!!!

Lanny is still on the mend as are Mom and me...God is good. Continue to pray for us!

We had Mexican for dinner...a favorite, and Dad ate nearly a whole burrito!
Notice in the lower right corner, he and Mom are holding hands :-)

A few more pictures from the day...


New mulch on the soggy chicken yard!

It really helps!

We had grilled cheese for lunch, and as usual, Mom and Dad had an audience. The dogs don't bother Lanny and me because we DO NOT FEED THEM this way! Mom and Dad do, no matter how many times I tell them not to :-)

Well, Harry Potter is over. Lanny picks the movies so I will let you know what he decides on tomorrow...

Goodnight and Sweet Dreams
God bless us, every one!


Quiet Time...

“So then, my beloved, just as you have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your salvation with fear and trembling;”

‭‭Philippians‬ ‭2:12


One day at a by day...
Dad had a pretty good day yesterday but not a good night last night. I rubbed his legs,  gave him his medicines and got everything ready for bed...he laid down around 10 but was back up by 11 and "couldn't sleep". He was nervous and restless and confused and not much would make him happy. The rest of the night I kept an eye on the monitor and tried to sleep a bit myself. He has his followup appointment this morning but I don't think there is much they can do for his insomnia...he has done that for 25 years. The difference is that until recently he just did his thing all night and the rest of us could do ours. Now he is so feeble that it is frightening to just let him "do his thing" alone...he could fall. I don't want Mom up all through the night...she needs sleep and she cannot physically do what needs to be done.  God knows what Dad needs and what the rest of us need and I am sure He is watching over us. Continue to pray for Dad to sleep AT NIGHT :-) while the rest of us sleep and not during the day...and for his peace and contentment in this season of his life.

Lanny is doing great. Praise the Lord for that!. He is going to go with me to Dad's appointment this morning to help get him in and out of the car and in his wheelchair. I am pretty strong, but Dad is pretty big!! :-)

Thank you all for your continued prayers...we could not go on without them.
I'll update after we see the doctor this morning.

Love you ALL!!!

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