Monday, November 15, 2021

Monday in the Mountains, November 15

 Quiet Time...

“Then I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, “Whom shall I send, and who will go for Us?” Then I said, “Here am I. Send me!””

‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭6:8‬


Not too bad last night.... my heart was nearly back to normal :-)
Dad was up and down all night but didn't need me... my heart is still acting a bit odd so some of the data doesn't come across...

The Lewis Pack for Bible Study :-)

After our 90 minutes of "semi" Quiet Time :-) I fed the fur kids...
they were giving me the "eye" from about 5:45.  The time change has them confused. I am feeding them at 6AM Daylight or Standard...period!


Decided to feed Max on his dry food perch...the dogs bug him and occasionally move him out to steel his food...

After the fur kids were taken care of I headed out at first light to release the chicks and ducks...

A couple of the old girls were using the nest boxes to roost...they aren't laying eggs so whatever...

The view of Paula's yard from my back gate...

I am wearing a snuggly shirt that my friend Janie gave me. I am warm natured so I don't wear long sleeves til it gets pretty cold :-) I LOVE it. Thank you Janie!!

Mom and Dad had a Wellness Appointment this morning so we left around 9. It's a chore to get Dad into the wheelchair, out the door, into the car, and then out and in a chair at the doctors office. I think at 92 these appointments are silly...he cannot answer the questions or draw the clock...

Funny story: I usually answer all the questions for them because I am a faster writer, but I did let Mom draw her clock...well, I wish I had taken a picture of it...the instructions are to draw the clock face and make the time ten minutes after eleven...somehow she made hers 6:15! The doctor thought it was quite cute :-)

They had their lab work and Mom had a couple X-Ray's...they did her chest X-Ray and also took some pictures of her spine as a baseline...she has a lot of compression fractures in her spine...

We stopped at Burger King on the way home and got burgers, fries and colas for lunch. SO... Lanny and I are stuffed and will have popcorn later tonight for our "dinner". Mom and Dad are old school and need three meals, so I made them an egg sandwich on my homemade bread... Dad needs the protein and they like egg sandwiches :-)

The kitchen is clean (minimal mess), the ducks and chicks are in bed, we are in our jammies and settling down to watch the second Die Hard. Lanny was late last night so we just finished watching a Star Trek and went to bed.

Goodnight Y'all...
God bless and Sweet Dreams

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