Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Tuesday on the Farm, November 16

Quiet Time...

“How blessed are those who observe His testimonies, Who seek Him with all their heart.”

‭‭Psalms‬ ‭119:2‬

Thought I'd share a couple pictures of Sadie...she is such a beauty :-)
Ten years old...oh MY!! Our youngest, and last, GrandChild...

And Sylvia Faye, our Great Grand... She will be two in January!

Cold morning!
Dad didn't call me in the night...three nights in a row. He is definitely getting stronger. He is able to go from his bed to chair and to the bathroom without help.  

And my sleep is getting back on track...not great but not like it was!

The three pups (two under blankets) waiting for their Daddy to get up...

After our Quiet Time I fed the fur kids and headed out in the COLD to let the chicks and ducks out...
Standing in the cold looking in through the window at the nice warm kitchen...

I love the sky no matter the time of year or the weather!

A couple of the hens are NOT hurrying to start this cold day...

Willie tries to encourage them but they know what is on HIS mind!!

Oh look! a duck egg IN the duck house and not out in the yard!

I do have my ducks in a row today...

Lanny and I had eye appointments today...on our way down the hill we saw this absolutely gorgeous Maple... I have never seen one this red!

Lanny got new glasses but I didn't need any...my eyes are the same...imagine that!

Checking the mail on the way back up...

I cooked a big chicken in the InstantPot while we were gone and when it cooled Lanny picked the meat off...I put the bones back into my perpetual (well, week long) broth.

So I made some yummy Chicken Salad Sandwiches for supper. 
Dad came to the table with his walker...I didn't wheel him in today!!
He was very winded both ways, but he is recovering very well after the exertion.

Lanny was mowing down by the pond and ran out of gas so he had to walk home UP the hill. He was pretty winded too, but he is getting his strength back. He went back down to fill up the tank and bring the MULE home... and he made it back, ALIVE!! He is in the shower getting a nice warm muscle soak :-)

The puppy landmines are picked up...I did it since he had such a workout this afternoon :-/

The chicks and ducks are in bed and I am in my Jammies and ready for another Die Hard. 

Goodnight Y'all...
God bless you all and sweet dreams...

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