Monday, November 22, 2021

Monday in the Mountains... November 22

Quiet Time...

“I will say to the Lord, “My refuge and my fortress, My God, in whom I trust!””

‭‭Psalms‬ ‭91:2‬ 


Dad was up when I got up at 4... I took him his coffee and donut and settled in for Quiet Time on the couch with my pack...
Look at this sweet fur baby...

Snuggled in for Bible Study :-)

Repeat of most days: After Study Time, I made the beds, gave out meds, fed the fur kids, went outside :-)
Morning moon...

My one, lone duck egg...

Gourds from Paula's and my garden... drying...

Hoping to make some crafty things and some Martin Houses...

Cooked a chicken in my InstantPot for my perpetual (week long) bone broth...
... and meat for us and the fur kids...

After it cooled Lanny took the meat off the bones for me and we put the bones back into the broth...

Make a wish... 

Of course, he had an audience :-)

Fed my crew Ham Sandwiches for lunch...

Then Lanny and I (and the fur kids) took a nap...
After nap time Lanny went out to play in his shop...
he is vacuuming...

When I come in from being gone SO long (like 5 minutes)...

For supper we had Pork Chops, Navy Beans, Spinach, Beets and Jello Parfait...


The puppy landmines are disposed of, the chicks and ducks are in bed, the kitchen is clean and we are in our Jammies...

Dad is coming to the table with his walker, a little stronger and surer on his feet. He can usually go to the bathroom by himself...occasionally needs help. He has trouble getting clothes off and on and usually needs help covering up when he gets in bed. But he is much improved from two weeks ago. God has been so good to us!!

We are thinking about watching a few of the Star Trek Next Generation...I watched them all while Lanny was working in the evenings at Church. They are really good (never saw them when they aired originally).
Soooooo, we will watch a few together a couple nights a week, along with our movies.

Goodnight Y'all...
God bless and Sweet Dreams!

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