Thursday, November 18, 2021

Thursday on the Farm, November 18

Quiet Time...

“Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God; and everyone who loves is born of God and knows God.”

‭‭1 John‬ ‭4:7‬ 


Dad got into his bed around 6 last night...He had some severe hand cramps (the kind where the fingers kink up and curl all together). I tried several things, rubbing it with Willow Bark, a coupleTylenol and then some sublingual homeopathic restless leg meds I discovered. Finally he was able to relax his arm and hand and go to sleep. I figured he'd probably be up all night but as it turns out, he stayed pretty much in the bed until after 1 am. So if you think about it, he got at least as much sleep as I did :-)
I had 3 and a half hours of restful sleep (total nearly 7) and only a 3% disruption.

Another nice morning... I don't mind the 50 degree temps at all!

Study Buddies...our life is VERY routine...well, except for the minute by minute spontaneous surprises with Mom and Dad :-) Lanny and I try to maintain our routines...our morning Quite Time and evening movie/popcorn routine is very important to our mental health :-) HaHa, what little we have left! Not that I can't handle spontaneous... we would often do fun things on the spur of the moment...but I still like routines the best... 

After our study time I made beds, gave meds and fed the fur kids...
then at sunup I went out to the chicken/duck yard...
When the leaves start falling you can see the meadow from our back yard. I want Lanny to cut a few trees next spring so we can see it all the is so beautiful!

Waiting not so patiently!

Another duck egg IN the duck box!

Made a Jello Dessert for tonight: Lime Jello, Crushed Pineapples and Mini Marshmallows...

Then I headed out thru the big barn to talk to the horses...
Eastern Sky...

Dandy was giving me nudge kisses...

And then, like siblings, they argued a little :-)
probably over who would get the first carrot...

Thought I'd take a few shots from other viewpoints besides our backyard...
The view southwest from the top of the drive...the edge of Paula's hay barn...

The road around the corral to the bottom of the hill...

East across the pasture...


Paula and I ordered some groceries from Aldi's and Krogers...I LOVE InstaCart! I don't know what I would have done, especially when we were sick, but even now, I love picking my groceries on the computer and having someone shop for me. It is well worth the tip I give them!!

I fed Mom and Dad and me a Chicken Salad Sandwich for lunch and heated Lanny some left over Pizza Casserole. He loves left overs!

No nap for us because the Bath Nurse came right after lunch... 
Lanny mowed the backyard...mostly to pick up the leaves...

...and Dad had a real shower today! The bath nurse has been coming every week and giving him a good sponge bath, but today he felt strong enough to get into the shower. I KNOW that feels great!!!

For supper we had Barbecued Chicken Breast, Peas and Carrots, Baked Potatoes, Biscuits and Jello Dessert...

Lanny picked up the puppy landmines and I cleaned up the kitchen.
The chicks and ducks are in the bed and Lanny is in the shower.
I am in my Jammies and we will watch the second Sherlock Holmes tonight.
There will probably be some popcorn in our future... :-)

Goodnight Y'all...
We love you and thank you for your prayers.
Sweet Dreams and God bless!!

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