Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Wednesday in the Wood... November 10

Quiet Time...

"For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart." 

Hebrews 4:12
Daddy had a bad night. He buzzed me twice. He was confused and agitated. I did manage to convince him to stay in the bed a bit longer to relieve the pain of the pressure sores...he was in the bed off and on for several hours. 
My sleep watch tells the story of my night :-)
Less than 4 hours sleep and very high disruption... I foresee a nap in my future today!
My biological clock doesn't care how much or little sleep I get. I absolutely MUST get up at 4... although since time change I wake about 2:30 Standard Time and just lay there til 4... It all works itself out after a few weeks...

My three Pups waiting for me to SIT DOWN!! :-)

Max in his "Tree"... his favorite place in the winter months...

Quiet Time (between trips to Dad's room) with my Sweetie and the Fur Kids...

Fed the fur kids and then headed out at sunup...
I love the fall colors...

The lettuce is really holding up...we have salad every other day...

"Let us OUT!!"

My lone duck egg... 

Christmas Camelia...soon!!

Went out the barn side to view the eastern sky...
Keeping my eyes on the Eastern Sky...
I'm looking for Jesus to come!

And talked with the horses and Paula awhile... gave them some carrots...

I took my CD player in and hooked up his head phones... played Bread of Life for him...our favorite quartet! He listened to a couple of songs and then I dug out his crossword puzzle book... he spent a couple minutes on it. Hey, that's a big step from the last few weeks. I'll take even teeny steps forward at this point!!

Max is lovin' Dad's snuggly afghan...

Lanny stopped at Wendy's on his way home from work at the church and brought us hamburgers and french fries...Yum! Mom and Dad had the usual audience...

After lunch...well, you know what time THAT is!
I'll take every minute I can get today...

Lanny had to go back in to work and he picked up Sadie after school...
Dad's physical therapy nurse came and gave him a workout. 
He is doing very well. If we could just get his nighttime routine down it would be GREAT!!

Please continue to pray for Dad's strength, for his peace, for sleep and rest, and for the pressure sores that are causing him such pain. 


Visited the horses again...the weather was SO beautiful today and the horses are so soothing to my spirit...

Sadie hard at work...she loves the DIY stuff, writing, drawing...she is very talented!

We had Barbecue Sandwiches, Barbecue Beans, Chips and Jello Salad...

I hollered at Rob to come get a couple plates for him and Molly...
also made a "doggie box" for Paula...

Bittersweet when I have to cut down the pond plants, as well as various plants around the yard...winter is right around the corner...

Nathaniel and Kate pulled in this evening for Thanksgiving... they travel all over the country in their tiny home... I am sure that this is something Lanny and I would have LOVED doing when we were that age :-)

They run their tiny house with solar. They are so clever!

Lanny has gone to "work"... Wednesday Night Services and Choir Practice...
I will watch a few Star Trek episodes and was thinking I might start working on my Christmas Calendars. I'm usually well into the task by now but this has been a trying 6 weeks... I hope I can catch up...

Goodnight Y'all...
God bless us, every one!
Sweet Dreams

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