Friday, December 24, 2021

Christmas Eve in the Mountains... December 24

Quiet Time...

““Glory to God in the highest, And on earth peace among men with whom He is pleased.””

‭‭Luke‬ ‭2:14‬ 


Dad was up and waiting...chomping at the bit... I often have to literally hit the floor run-in' at 4 am... 
But I am an early riser and mornings are my best time :-)

Gave him his meds, helped him put his clothes (and most importantly, his socks) on and gave him his coffee and donuts...then I hit the couch...

Up and down a few times but finished study time at 6 and got to the household chores...
made the bed, fed the fur kids, decanted the Sparkley (Kefir), took care of a few other chores and then headed out at sunup...


Lazy day...
Made us some Ramen for lunch and then rested for just a few minutes... 

...the electric fence came in so Lanny was studying paperwork and watching videos and we did some stepping out and measuring where we want the fence...

I am making grilled cheese sandwiches for our supper a little early because we are going to Calvary for the Christmas Eve Communion Service at 5...taking Mom and Dad...

Beautiful Service at Calvary...

We stopped at Sonic for a milkshake and then came home and streamed Christmas with the Chosen... If you have not seen The Chosen you just better do it!!

Goodnight Y'all...
Merry Christmas...

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Sunday on Walden's Mountain... September 29

Quiet Time Bible Study...  📖🙏🏻 “So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the house...