Saturday, December 11, 2021

Saturday in the Mountains... December 11

Quiet Time...

“You too, be ready; for the Son of Man is coming at an hour that you do not expect.””

‭‭Luke‬ ‭12:40‬ 

Dad was still in the bed at 4...he was restless and shuffling around but didn't get up until about 5:30... looking at the camera triggers he actually went to bed around 10 and didn't get up at all until 5:30... not a bad nights sleep...

The usual Couch Crew...

I had to split up my Quiet Time a bit to take care of Dad's morning rituals but still finished by 6...
I made our bed, fed the fur kids and worked a bit in the kitchen until sunup.
Very interesting sky... Red Sky at Morning...for sure!!

The clouds were moving so fast... we knew it was going to a stormy day!

They sure like it when I save them some dinner left overs...

One duck egg...

Made us some toast and jelly for second breakfast :-)

Mom took hers to her room...must be an early Western on :-)

I didn't make it out in time for the worst of the storm...Mitzi was terrified. But you can get an idea...This big barn metal roof gives new meaning to "rain on a tin roof" :-)

Worked a bit around the was raining so hard and Mitzi was terrified so I sat with her for awhile.
Then at lunchtime I made us all some Grilled Cheese Sandwiches ...
Dad has been in and out of the bed all day... I had to wake him for lunch....
then he went back to bed after lunch... he misses SO much sleep it takes him a long time to catch up :-)

and afterwards, of course, we settled down for a nap...
we actually sat there for about 90 minutes... rainy day snooze!!
Max joined us for a while...

Lanny ran down the hill to go by the bank, Home Depot and to pick up some Layer Feed and Grain for the chickens at Tractor Supply...

Made some Beef Patties with Gravy, Mashed Potatoes, Green Beans...
Hit the Spot! Chocolate Pudding for Dessert...

Puppy Piles are picked up...chicks and ducks are snug in bed, kitchen is clean...

Will watch the last Star Trek movie tonight.
Probably eat some popcorn or Lanny will make guacamole...

Goodnight Y'all...
God bless us Every One!!
Sweet Dreams

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