Saturday, January 22, 2022

Saturday on the Mountain... January 22

Quiet Time...

“Now who is there to harm you if you are zealous for what is good?”

‭‭1 Peter‬ ‭3:13‬ 


Dad was up...
so you know the drill... meds, coffee, socks and Breakfast Burrito :-)

Then I hit the couch with the fur kids... Mitzi is waiting for her Daddy to get up...

He made it about 4:15...

After Study time he gets cereal or yogurt 
and Max is always thrilled to share with him...

I started some bread...

then put it in a warm oven for first rise...

At 7:45 I headed out to the chickens and ducks...

Somehow I ended up out there without my phone/camera and look what I found!
Two chicken eggs in the nest box. They are both Coconuts (the white hen) so I missed one yesterday. 
I will definitely check the boxes every day now!!

Second Breakfast... Eggs, Sausage and Biscuits...

Dough has risen nicely...

Shaped and put back in for second rise...

The young man that "bought" our pool for $1 came today with his Dad to disassemble and haul away...

It was freezing, literally, and neither of them had on gloves!!

And it is under 20 degrees!!!

Maggie was smart...she knows when it's too cold to be out!

Bread's done...

Pool is coming apart, quicker than I thought!

And, look what I found in the duck and chicken lot...
One lone duck egg... I sure wish she'd at least lay it in the duck house in the sawdust and not in the mud!

Lanny is working on the patio and entry into the herb garden. Moving the fence back to give us more room on the porch...

Made Dad and Lanny some Chicken Noodle Soup... Mom drank some hot Chicken Broth!

Then Lanny went right back out to work...
It's up to 32... a real heat wave!

Made some Ham, Mashed Potatoes and Gravy and Normandy Veggies for supper..

Lanny picked up the puppy piles, I cleaned up the kitchen and put the chicks and ducks to bed...
He is in the shower now and I am finishing this post...

We will watch the end of Return of the King tonight... I always hate when we finish the series... Hate for it to be over!!

Goodnight Y'all...
Love to each and every one of you...
God bless!!

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