Friday, January 21, 2022

Friday on the Farm... January 21

Quiet Time...

““Blessed are the merciful, for they shall receive mercy.”

‭‭Matthew‬ ‭5:7‬ 


Dad was up... meds, socks, coffee thermos, cup and ...
Sausage, Egg and Cheese Biscuit :-)

Time for Bible Study with the Fur Kids... the Lewis Pack...

Max loves to snuggle where his Daddy slept... I always have to move him to make the bed...either him or Mitzi... :-) ...often both of them!

But once I move Max he usually comes in and sits in his Daddy's lap!!!

I fed the fur kids and decanted the Milk and Water Kefir...
"Sparkley"... We call it that because it is naturally carbonated... fermented.

Then I put some chicken thighs in the cooker for broth... thighs make good broth when you don't have a whole chicken... the dogs LOVE it AND the chicken meat with their kibble...

Headed out at sun up (day break... no sun today) :-)

Cute little nest again but no egg... I will keep an eye on the yard to see where she lays it today :-)

Fed Dad and Lanny Waffles and Sausage for Second Breakfast...
I call it that because they both eat something earlier. Dad gets a hot breakfast at 4ish and Lanny eats a bowl of cereal or yogurt and fruit... MEN! :-)

I made Mom an egg :-) And she had an audience of course!

Took the chicken off the bones and put the bones back in the broth... it will stay on the counter all week on low, and I will add a bit of water as I use it... the dogs get a bit with both their meals and I have it handy to sip on or put in recipes... Easy Peasy!!!

For lunch we had left over Baked Potatoes and Garlic Toast...

Broken record... after lunch Lanny and I lounged around with the fur kids...

They had me captured... no escape :-)

I got my CHEWY order of Layer Feed and it was damaged...

I sent the pictures to them and told them I didn't want anything, just wanted them to know so they would remind their delivery drivers to be careful... Well, they immediately informed me that replacement was on the way! 
That's why I love them... above and beyond!!

Lanny headed down to the dump after lunch but came back pretty quick... 
engine trouble.
He has been out there working on his truck in this freezing weather (look at the way he is dressed... cold does NOT bother him in this get up!)... he fixed it right up. 
He is so clever!!

Now the dogs, on the other hand, do NOT care much for the cold weather. They go out to do their business but then right back in... 
and Murphy monopolizes the fireplace :-)
Look at that face!

Maggie wanting a hug from her Daddy...

"Come to Dinner"....

We had Fish Sticks, Macaroni and Tomato, Spinach...
Pudding for Dessert...

And we cleaned our plates!!!

The kitchen is clean, the yard is picked up, the chicks and ducks are in bed...
We are cleaning up and will watch the last Lord of the Rings tonight...
well, we will start it. I don't know if we have every watched a whole one in one night :-)

Goodnight Y'all...
God bless us, Every One...
Sweet Dreams1

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