Monday, February 21, 2022

Monday on the Mountain... February 21

Quiet Time...

“I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in Me and I in him, 
he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from Me you can do nothing.”
‭‭John‬ ‭15:5‬ 

Dad wasn't up, but within 5 minutes 
(he must have been waiting for the lights to come on :-)) he was!!
I took him his morning goodies, put on his socks and made him a 
Sausage, Egg and Cheese Biscuit...
Then settled in for Quiet Time...

Lanny got up right after me so we had the whole time together with our little pack...

Forgot to mention that my Valentine Flowers are still very pretty!!!

At 6 am I made the bed and then fed the fur kids...
they are usually watching the clock :-)
I decanted the milk Kefir and emptied the dishwasher and waited for sunrise...

The dogs are now in the habit of going out with me so they jump around and whine while I put my coat on... they LOVE going back there!!!

IN the house... I don't like for her to lay it in the yard...
it gets too dirty.

Mom was still in bed...

... and Dad had gone back to bed right after he ate his biscuit...
so it was a very quiet morning :-)

I made laundry detergent today...
it lasts 2 to 4 months.
Paula shares it with me so that's pretty good.

At 8 AM I made Lanny and Dad Eggs, Bacon and Toast for their Second Breakfast...

By then the detergent had gelled...
I added some water and blended it...

And put some in my dispenser...

Complete instructions are on my Homemaking Blog:

I cleaned out the chicken coop this morning... raked and dusted a bit...
they like a clean house :-)

For lunch we had Tuna, Peanut Butter and Saltines, some Chips and Dip for Dad and Lanny... just a quick pick and choose kind of lunch...

Lanny and I snoozed for a bit after lunch and then went right back out to work...
The two lovers, Bucky and Coconut were dust bathing together :-)

Lanny mowed out behind the chicken and duck yard...
and ran over some barbed wire...
he fixed it tho... he is pretty handy!

I cleaned out the composter and the BioPod...

then I changed my mind on the arrangement.
there is a drain on the end of the BioPod for the liquid "fertilizer" 
and there are always yummy things there for the chickens. 
If I leave it this way they will be too close to the electric fence 
and probably get shocked...

I rearranged them... this way they can play around the drain all they want 
and not fall against the electric fence...

I also cleaned up their dust bath area 
and put more lime and diatomaceous earth in it...
we need to get some sand to add and they will be in chicken heaven!!

Cleaned the duck house also...
added some line and PDZ to the sawdust...

For supper I made some Rice, warmed up the Pinto Beans, 
added Peas and Carrots and Bread and had Brownies for Dessert...

Beans and Rice are Robbies favorite so I hollered at him to come get some. 
He had made Potatoes for him and Molly but could definitely add 
some Beans and Rice to the meal :-)

I cleaned up the kitchen while Lanny took care of the Puppy Landmines...
Then we headed down the hill in the MULE for mail...
DUH! No mail on Presidents Day, 
but it was a fun ride :-)

Tonight will be The Avengers!!!
Perhaps some popcorn...

Goodnight Y'all... God bless you one and ALL!!!
Sweet Dreams!

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