Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Wednesday in the Wood... February 23

Quiet Time...

“Whoever pursues righteousness and kindness will find life, 
righteousness, and honor.”
‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭21:21

The Pack watching Thor 2 last night :-)

Dad was up. He has had a headache for a couple days and first thing he wants is a Tylenol... he is VERY allergic to aspirin. I hate for him to take OTC meds with the medicines he is already taking. He doesn't take many but I still like to limit. 

I gave him his morning necessities and his first breakfast...
Breakfast Burrito :-)

Then settled down for Quiet Time...
That is Maggie and Murphy like two burritos under the blanket...
as long as Maggie thinks it's me beside her she is OK... :-)

Mitzi wasn't happy with the hard rain. Poor girl shakes when it is raining...
even worse if it thunders!

Max in his 2nd favorite spot... where his Daddy left a warm spot in the bed :-)

At 6 I made our bed and fed the fur kids.
Decanted Kefir and put Mom and Dads meds together for the week...

This is my little Bay Tree... brought it in for the winter and it was looking puny, 
but suddenly there are new little green leaves :-)

Headed out at day break...
"Let us out!" :-)

Paula took Mom to the Radiologist at 9. She will go back next Wednesday to get everything worked out for treatments. Still not sure about all the details. Could be 5 days or could be 10, depending on several things... I will keep you posted. 
Just continue to lift her up...

Fed Dad and Lanny a Turkey Sandwich for lunch...
Mom and Paula ended up stopping at Firehouse Subs for lunch!!

Picked up Sadie at the bus stop at one... I went down a little early and ran in to Tractor Supply to pick up some lettuce, spinach and kale seed and then in to Home Depot to get me a spade and a new pair of garden gloves... 
It was quite fun, since I haven't been out much since October !! :-)

When we got home I went out to check on the feathered kids 
and found a Coconut egg in the box :-)

Sadie working at the table... as usual.
Love her to pieces!!

Lanny put a new vanity in our bathroom... the one that was here when we moved in was dark and pretty ragged. I love the white. And we are going to put in glass shower doors so that will brighten it up even more... also new paint!

For Supper we had Popcorn Shrimp, Green Beans and Potatoes, 
Buttered Garlic Noodles, Beets, Garlic Toast and Pudding for Dessert...

My plate... YUM!

I cleaned up the kitchen and Lanny picked up the puppy piles...
I put the chicks and ducks to bed and then Sadie and I went out to see the horses...
Dandy LOVES carrots...

Sadie took a video... short but sweet...

Takoda got some too but I had to give him his over away from Dandy...
they argue like siblings! :-)

Sadie's favorite spot in the barn... up on the hay bales!

Shelby will come for Sadie a little later tonight and we will watch the next movie 
in the Marvel series... Iron Man 3!

Goodnight Y'all!!
God bless us, Every One!

Sweet Dreams!

1 comment:

Saturday on Walden's Mountain... February 22

Quiet Time in Bible Study... 🌤️ “I will bless the Lord at all times; his praise shall continually be in my mouth. Oh, magnify the Lord wit...