Thursday, March 31, 2022

Wednesday & Thursday, Sick in the Wood :-) ... March 30

"For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, 
that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life."
John 3:16


Well, yesterday was a total wash! I started feeling bad not long after I got up and within an hour I was having severe stomach pain... not nausea really, just pain. But anything I ate or drank just came right back up... 
so by evening I was not only feeling really rough, I was also dehydrated.

I laid on the couch (close to the bathroom) :-) all day... Lanny and Paula took care of lunch (left over hot dogs) and Lanny picked up pizza for dinner yesterday. 
We tried to watch a movie but I just couldn't. 

I tried to go to bed but kept jumping up so went back out to the couch... Around 1 AM the stomach pain had stopped and I was pretty excited. I went in and got in the bed with my hubby and at 3:45 I popped out of the bed as usual, or so I thought... I headed for the kitchen and promptly fainted in the living room floor. Scared Lanny half to death because I knocked a few things off the piano as I went down! 
He was ready to call an ambulance!! Sweet thang!!

I walked him thru the morning rituals... he would NOT let me get out of bed once he got me back in there. He took care of Dad and got him a donut... 
no breakfast burrito today :-)

He has hardly let me off the couch today so I haven't taken any pictures... I did go out with his supervision :-) to get some air and sit in the sun 
so I managed a precious egg picture...
So we had two duck and 5 chicken eggs today!!

He is going to go pick up some Chinese Food for tonight. I ate an egg and toast for breakfast and a small bit of the left over pizza for lunch from last night with no ill effects... Chinese ought to really hit the spot. The main thing is getting fluids back in... I actually lost 5 pounds yesterday! Not from throwing up because there was nothing to throw up! It was from not getting fluid IN... if it had gone on today I probably would have had to go in to see the doctor to get some fluids... 
I think that is what weakened me so much. 

Anyway, I HATE to be sick, I am rarely sick and it just isn't my thing :-)
Thank you all for your prayers. I was so thrilled to see how many of you prayed for me! I am sure that's why this bug didn't even last 24 hours :-)

God is SO good!!!

I love you all and hope to be back to normal tomorrow!!
God bless and Sweet Dreams!!

Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Tuesday on the Farm... March 29

Quiet Time...

“Commit your work to the Lord, and your plans will be established.”
‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭16:3‬

Dad was up...
I got him all situated and made him a Breakfast Burrito...
Mom got up as well... so I got her some coffee and her fiber bar..

Then headed to the couch for Quiet Time...
At 6 I took care of the morning chores and fed the fur kids 
and then waited for sunup to head outside...

Time to make bread... we go thru it, plus I give Paula a half loaf every few days for her sandwiches and toast...

Look at this first rise!! I LOVE baking bread!

I like the long round loaves... makes a perfect sandwich!
I also like to make it in my pullman square slice pan but round is my favorite!

Going in the oven (with the oven light on for proof heat) to rise the second time...

Also made some Hummus for us and for Robbie...
he loves my Hummus...

Second rise is very nice...
into to oven to bake!


Made turkey sandwiches for Mom and Dad...
Lanny had to go to the church to work for a few hours...

Ran out to gather 4 eggs:
from Coconut, Goldie, Popcorn and Sugar...

Ran down to get Sadie at 3 at the bus stop...

Hot Dogs for Supper...

Working on the garden plot...
the chickens LOVE it...
but when we fence it they will be out of luck!!
Chickens and gardens do not mix!!

The Koi pond is coming alive... the fish are always fine
 but the pond plants are starting to wake up :-)

False advertising... I really DO NOT want any skeeters around :-)

Sadie has soft ball tonight so her Momma will come get her soon.
We will watch another Will Smith... maybe Wild, Wild West!!

Mom has 3 more treatments to go...

Goodnight Y'all...
God bless and Sweet Dreams!!

Monday, March 28, 2022

Monday on the Mountain... March 28

Quiet Time...

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. 
In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make straight your paths.”

‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭3:5-6‬ 

Early morning in the Coop...
The Hen House :-)

Dad slept in until 6 again this morning...

We had our full 90 minutes plus of Quiet Time and then I hit the floor runnin' at 6...
Took Dad his morning necessities, changed our sheets, 
threw the dirty ones in the wash, made Mom's bed,  
got her coffee and breakfast bar as well as her morning kefir...

Then headed out at daybreak to visit with my flock...

Penny and Gabby...

Lanny was dressed for the weather... it was COLD this morning.
Good thing we don't have neighbors... he was weed eating at 6:30 :-)

Fixed the men their usual breakfast...
Mom and Paula headed down the hill for Treatment number 11...

Lanny was working on the pond and some fencing behind it to separate for the upcoming garden spot...
Brought in a handful of eggs...
Popcorn, Sugar, Coconut and Goldie...

Mom's dog Casey started this... he hates for her to leave 
and this is what he does when she comes home! My dogs joined right in :-)

We had left over Sloppy Joes and Slaw and Chips for lunch...
then a quick snooze...


For Supper we had Short Ribs, Mashed Potatoes and Gravy and a Cabbage Casserole Mom found in one o her devotional calendars this morning... pretty good!!
Oh, and a Brownie for Dessert!

The back yard and pond from the Chicken Cam...

Lanny took this of the progress so far...

All the after dinner chores are done... 
We are in our jammies and ready for a movie...
Still on Will Smith...
Enemy of the State...

Goodnight Y'all...
God bless us, Every One!
Sweet Dreams!

Sunday, March 27, 2022

The Lords' Day in the Hills... March 27

Quiet Time...

“So now faith, hope, and love abide, these three; 
but the greatest of these is love.”
‭‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭13:13

Dad wasn't up, and didn't get up til around 6!!

Bible Study Time straight thru...

With the usual pack...

...til 6!
Then beds, fur kids 
and making slaw for today's lunch...

...also Brownies...
put them in the oven, and then...

...out to take care of the flock!
Look how big these babies are getting... 
you can hardly tell them apart from the big girls!

Penny and Gabby...

Brownies done and cooling...

Popcorn, Sugar and Goldie...


Sloppy Joes, Slaw, Chips and Brownies for Dessert!

And then a short Sunday Siesta before Lanny had to head back to church...
Choir Practice at 4:30 so he has to be there around 4 
to get all the mic's set and sound worked out...
He will get home around 7:30...

Maggie's really relaxing!
She has no shame!

Do you think maybe she is my baby?
Yes, you are right :-)

I picked up the puppy piles, fed Mom and Dad some Chicken Noodle Soup, put the chicken feed away for the night and will take care of putting the feathered kids up at dusk. 

Mom will start her last week of treatment tomorrow. She is feeling more tired than usual but still no adverse effects. Pray for her strength and that God's will be done with the outcome of the radiation. Doc said he felt he might be able to totally zap them and leave only some scar tissue... 
whatever the outcome I simply ask for her to have peace with it...


I am in my Jammies and ready to turn on a Star Trek...

Goodnight Family and Friends!
God bless you and Sweet Dreams!

Friday on the Mountain... March 28

 Quiet Time in Bible Study... 🍃🧹 ““Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, whose trust is the Lord. He is like a tree planted by water...