Saturday, March 26, 2022

Saturday on the WINDY Mountain! ... March 26

Quiet Time...

“Though the fig tree should not blossom, nor fruit be on the vines, the produce of the olive fail and the fields yield no food, the flock be cut off from the fold and there be no herd in the stalls, yet I will rejoice in the Lord; 
I will take joy in the God of my salvation.”
‭‭Habakkuk‬ ‭3:17-18

Dad didn't get up until 4:30...

So I got everything ready except his Biscuits...

Then settled in for Bible Study Time...

Mitzi didn't join us...

Max was in his favorite spot at 6 am, 
waiting on me to move him nearer the kitchen :-)

With a stop off first for some Daddy cuddling...

I heard my water kefir whistling... see the raisins "dancing"...
this is the end of the first two day ferment and they get really active toward the end...
natural carbonation is building up.

Fed the fur kids, decanted that dancing kefir and then headed out at daybreak...
They were excited about the oatmeal 
and some veggie left overs from last nights dinner..

The babies love the cracked corn the best...

Gabby and Penny...

The Camelia blooms were wiped out with the snow and freeze but the unopened buds were fine, so we are getting another run of gorgeous blooms...

Trash burning day...

Popcorn and Sugar...

The babies like to snuggle under the nest box... until one of the big girls want to lay in it, then the big girl gets real possessive of the space and runs the babies off :-)
Willow has been the meanest big girl to the babies...


Hosta is peeping out...


Obedient Plant...

Monarda, Bee Balm...

Cranberry Viburnum...
it's still a baby but has green buds coming out...

Max snoozing on Dad's bed after his breakfast :-)
Lanny had to go into Oak Ridge so he skipped second breakfast but I gave Dad some Cinnamon Toast because he had gone back to bed and slept til 8:45...

I subscribe to Backwoods Home Magazine, a quarterly paperback, but they send out a monthly email, Country Moments with different articles and photos that subscribers submit... Sadie has been in two: the December issue and March...

Made Tuna Sandwiches for lunch and Paula joined us...

No naps today... too sunny!

that makes 6 eggs today, so far...

The babies aren't under or near anyones favorite nest box up here :-)

For Supper we had Chili Mac, Salad, Garlic Biscuits and Jello for Dessert...

The puppy landmines are picked up, the kitchen is clean, the chicken feed bowls are all locked away... I'll put the flock up at dusk. 
They have been SO good about going in. 

Tonight we will watch iRobot, Will Smith.

Goodnight Y'all...
We love each and every single one of you!!!

God bless and Sweet Dreams!

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