Saturday, April 16, 2022

Saturday, Our Anniversary in the Hills... April 16

Quiet Time...
"All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; 
and the LORD hath laid on Him the iniquity of us all." 
Isaiah 53:6 KJV
The pups begging for Lanny's Veggie Straws during our movie last night...
We watched Donovan's Reef (John Wayne, of course!) :-)

Dad was up...

About 90 minutes of Pack Time Bible Study...

Out at sunrise...

Made Daddy some pancakes 
and then Lanny and I hit the road for our Anniversary Lunch Date...

Well, we turned around and came back up the hill because he said the car was too covered with pollen to go out in public...

So he hosed it off!

First we went to the AtHome Store in Turkey Creek. 
We bought a bunch of really cute yard stuff..
I had so much fun I forgot to take a picture...

Then we went into the Best Buy and also had too much fun...
didn't buy anything there tho... 
I fought my temptation to go over into the Apple part of the store :-)

Then we went to Olive Garden 
and had their fabulous Salad, Garlic Bread and Shrimp Scampi...
And alas, I had the MOST FUN and forgot to take a picture...

Well, determined not to fail completely, 
I DID take a picture as we were leaving Costco.
We can NEVER go to that part of town without going to Costco!!!

Then we ran by the Kroger Store 
to pick up a couple things that Costco does not have...

Then we headed home. We left about 9 this morning and got home a little after 2.
Just in time to feed these starving fur kids!!
What a FUN day!!!

And waiting for me...
One Coconut egg in box number 1...

A Maran, Popcorn, Sugar and Goldie in box number 2!!

And the babies supervising from the upper roost...
looking bright and chipper...
So, 7 eggs today!

We bought a Rotisserie Chicken at Costco... still $4.99 and always perfect!
So I made some dinner fries to go with it and YUM!!

Went out to play with the fowl for awhile.
They are "Pigs with Feathers"...
ALWAYS wanting treats!!

Bucky, the Rooster!

Just grab some scratch grains and they are "eating out of your hand"
Pun intended :-)

First time they've really done it for Lanny...
 they are getting really comfortable!

AND, we have tadpoles!

We are not positive which frog, but the big Toads were mating,
 if you recall the pictures I had. 
Whatever! We will have FROGS!!!

Babies seem fine...

Well what do you know!? 
Egg number 8 for the day... Willow!

Lanny put all the haul from todays spree on one of the tables outside...
We got some wall hangings, pots, step stones, yard stakes...
well, I will take pictures when I have it all arranged and full of plants :-)
You can't tell much from this...

All the inside and outside evening chores are done (except closing the chicken and duck doors when they retire), and we are settling down for Green Berets!!!
Another John Wayne, of course!!!

Goodnight Precious Family and Friends.
Your prayers are working. Mom is still in pain but she is getting in and out of the bed almost unassisted, often a bit noisily, groaning and grunting, but it is progress!!

God bless you real good!!
We love you all...
Goodnight and Sweet Dreams!!!

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