Sunday, April 3, 2022

The Lords' Day on the Mountain... April 3

Quiet Time...

“And there is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven 
given among men by which we must be saved.””

‭‭Acts‬ ‭4:12‬ 


Sadie was crowned Queen of her division yesterday at
Tennessee Sunburst Spring Pageant Knoxville 
AND got a bullseye at Knox Ax! She loved it!

Softball in the morning...
Beauty Queen in the afternoon :-)

So, Dad wasn't up and didn't get up until about 4:30.
I got everything together and settled down for my Bible Reading...

It didn't take long to get him situated after he got up... 
I made him a couple Biscuit Roll-Ups... 
I buy the frozen things for his 4 am breakfast... 
I cook almost all day and just don't feel like starting at 4 am! :-)

Ran Mitzi and Max out of the bed at 6...
Made the bed, took Mom her morning necessities...
Decanted Milk and Water Kefir..

Then at DayBreak I headed out to the Birds!
Oatmeal in hand... I added the berries from the decanted kefir...
they love the fermented berries as well!

Here comes the sun...

Gabby and Pennys' contribution for the day...

The water was clear enough yesterday before I started on the filter 
but I had to scrub the sides and dip the debris, so I had stirred up a mess. 
It is starting to clear up and the filter seems to be doing it's job :-)

One in the middle box and two fussing about it.
Three boxes, but as I have mentioned, they always want the same one :-)

Filled the water pans and the ducks LOVE when I make a mud puddle!!

Made Brownies (or should I say, Blondies) for our Sunday Dessert...

Made Dad some Pancakes... Lanny had already left for church.
I miss going, but it's just not in the best interest of anyone at the moment :-)
I watch online for now. I always learn the choir songs that Bruce sends via email 
so I can sing along with the choir :-)

Three of our Chicken/Duck Cam Views...
Isn't it peaceful.........

For our Sunday Lunch:
Yummy "Everything in the Pot" Soup, 
Garlic Pull Apart Bread and Salad...

And afterwards, the usual Sunday Siesta...

Mitzi loves on me for a few minutes and then heads to the floor 
to chew on a bone during our Siesta Time :-)

And then out to visit with the Birds!

Now the babies have found the very highest roost...

My Sweet Murph!
Look at that sweet underbite!

A Willow Egg...

Went over to see Dandy and Takoda...

Luke the Barn Cat...

He is obviously doing his job :-)

Made Grilled Cheese Sandwiches for Mom and Dad's Supper...

I have cleaned up the puppy piles, put the chicken food dishes away and I'm ready to put my Jammies on and watch Star Trek til Lanny gets home at 7:30...

Mom is having some issues with coughing and with indigestion pain.
Keep her in your's all part of the deal I guess...
but she is pretty uncomfortable.

Goodnight Y'all...
God bless and Sweet Dreams...


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