Friday, June 10, 2022

Friday on the Farm... June 10

Quiet Time...

“For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, 
which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.”
‭‭Ephesians‬ ‭2:10‬


Dad was up...
do that sound like a broken record :-)

90 plus minutes of Quiet/Bible Study Time...
with the Pack!

Then...Up and at 'em...
I made the bed but the fowl were hollering 
so I went out to take care of them before feeding the fur kids!

Impatiently waiting!

The ducks stayed with the chickens in the coop last night...
Gabby's egg... Penny laid another soft one. I didn't see it but the chickens were chasing each other with the soft shell hanging out of their mouths...

Headed out the southeast end of the barn to the horses...

Carrot time... they also get a bit impatient!

That look!

The cute little mailbox we found at KARM... a mail person never comes in here but the rest of the compound can leave papers and mail here if they want to...
And it really is just so darn cute!!!

Dad slept thru breakfast... he is sleeping more and more...
up all night and sleeps all day.
I left him a favorite stick donut on his table to hold him til lunch.
Out the kitchen window... 
all I see are hills and trees and chickens and ducks :-)
Also LOTS of wild birds...

Decanted the water kefir...

Berries for the flock...

Goldie is in the box thinking about laying an egg...

Still only three little blue bird eggs in the nest box...

For lunch we had left over salmon cakes on hamburger buns with chips and salsa...
Lanny said he would like them that way from now on :-)
Then we sat down for our usual 60 minute rest...

Even Max joined us!

After the nap Lanny headed down for more MULE parts 
and I headed out to the flock lot...
Well, Goldie did her thing and also one of the Pearl Whites...

And in Nest Number Two...
The other Pearl White and Coconut...

The BSF grubs are really multiplying...
The chickens get like little addicts when I go to the Biopod...
they are "crazy" excited!!

I am putting some in the freezer every day... 
that way they will have some in the winter.
These grubs are VERY expensive if you buy them freeze dried 
so I will be way ahead of the game!!
Pure protein and they LOVE 'EM!!

Robbie is weed eating his "yard"...

Update on the Box Turtles... 
they are eating and swimming in their little water bowl 
and seem to be getting along fine...
HOWEVER, there are two males and one female... 
I will probably need to let one of the males go back into the neighborhood...

This is the only female and she is LOVELY!!!

This is a male... red eyes and a concave plastron...

This one doesn't have as red an eye but has the concave plastron and I am about 95% sure it's male... I'll watch a while and see if there is aggression between them...
Tomorrow I will try to count rings and give an estimate on their ages...
It is NOT an exact science, but fun, nonetheless :-)

They both have noticeable concave plastrons...

Paula mowing up our "driveway"...

Fed the Fur Children their supper...

Picked a mess of Kale for our supper...

Cutting Taters isn't my favorite job 
but we all LOVE Fried Taters so it just has to be done...
Gotta have Taters with Pintos...

That's a pretty big mess of Taters!
Five Pounds!!

Supper Time!!
Pintos, Fried Taters, Kale from the garden, Cornbread...
Fit for a KING!!!
A Favorite!!

Lanny took care of the Puppy Landmines, the kitchen is clean, 
the chicken feed is safely tucked away...

I am in my Jammies and Lanny is in the shower...

I have no idea what will be on the big screen tonight.
Last night was Sabrina....
I'll let you know...

Goodnight Y'all!
God bless you one and ALL!!
Sweet Dreams!

1 comment:

  1. How do y'all like kale? I like all greens but I've never tried kale. I know it's good for you. Let me know how you cook it


Tuesday on Walden's Mountain... June 25

Quiet Time...  πŸ‘♥️ “Do not boast about tomorrow, for you do not know what a day may bring forth. Iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens an...