Thursday, June 9, 2022

Thursday on the Farm... June 9

Quiet Time...

“All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, 
for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God 
may be complete, equipped for every good work.”
‭‭2 Timothy‬ ‭3:16-17


Daddy was up...

Took care of his business and then headed to mine :-)
Study Buddies, Mitzi and Maggie...

And then Murph one Lanny joined us...

Max waited for his cuddle as I removed him from the bed :-)

Made the bed, fed the fur kids and headed out...

Cloudy, misty and a bit foggy!

And my sweet Granny Raven passed away in the night.
She lived a year longer than I thought she would.
She is the one that waddled like a penguin...
my arthritic Granny Girl...
I will miss her...

Gabby laid her egg in the coop floor...

But I found this Goldie Girl's egg out by the deck...
probably laid yesterday evening...

And this soft shelled broken one,
probably Penny's...

Went out the other end of the barn to visit with Dandy and Takoda 
and give them a carrot or two...

The barn cats!

Made Dad and Lanny some Pancakes, Sausage and a few grapes for Breakfast...
then they headed down to Tractor Supply 
to pick up some chicken feed for me...

Lanny finished spreading the mulch in the back yard and in the chicken run...
Max was trying to get into the truck...

Checked on the blue bird house...
three eggs...

For lunch I made some Pork Salad Sandwiches and Chips...
Paula had taken Mom to her Urology Appointment 
and they went out to lunch afterwards, 
so it was just the three of us...

And of course, it was nap time after that :-)
But just a short one... lots to do this time of year :-)

I had cooked Pintos today but since Paula and Mom went to lunch 
I put them in the fridge and will make them tomorrow... 
you gotta be hungry for a full Pinto meal...

So tonight I just threw together bits and pieces of this and that for supper... 
it filled us up so that's what counts!

Corn Dogs, Mixed Veggies, Chili Mac, Salad, Rolls and Pudding...
Rob came over to grab a To Go Plate...

Pup piles picked up, kitchen clean, chicken and duck food put away...
I'm in my jammies and Lanny is in the shower...

Tonight we will watch Sabrina... it's a sweet one with Harrison Ford :-)

Mom got a very good report at the Urologist. 
She had been having some bladder infections but she is all clear, 
BP is perfect, weight is holding, all is well...

Goodnight Y'all...
God bless and Sweet Dreams!

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