Saturday, June 11, 2022

Saturday on the Mountain... June 11

Quiet Time...

"Now unto Him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us, unto Him be glory in the church 
by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen."
Ephesians 3:20-21

I love that verse...

Dad was up and waiting...
I switched it up today...
I made him a Sausage, Egg and Cheese Croissant :-)
to go with his meds and coffee...

I had the couch to myself til about 4:30... 
just Me and Mitzi and Maggie...

Then Murph and Lanny joined us...
Our pack was nearly complete...
Max, of course, was in our bed waiting to be cuddle-carried out!

Hit the floor around 5:45 so I could make the bed and feed the fur kids... 
they were a little restless...
Then headed out to the back 40 :-)

The sky was showing red but I don't think we are expecting rain...
it was gorgeous!!

Squawking and Quacking and wanting OUT!!

Just keeps getting more and more beautiful!!

Gabby changed it up this morning...
she laid in the corner and not under the nest boxes...
it's kinda hard to see...

The fish are pigs just like the rest of my animals!!
They are like sharks or piraña!!

And look what was in the turtle water bowl!
Have I mentioned that I LOVE frogs!!

Headed out to give the horses some loving...
These are the skylights in our big barn...
no big deal but I didn't think I'd ever shown them to you :-)

AND, I got a few more food grade 5 gallon buckets yesterday 
to fill up with food!!
I love my pantry!!

Just as pretty on this end of the barn!!

Takoda was bobbing his head... 
I am not really sure what that means but I think it is a greeting! :-)

Bunnies in the driveway!

Lanny doing some cleaning...
he likes his shop!

Popcorn and Sugar have done their duty for the day...
in nest box number 2...

...and nestbox number 3...

The two babies...
they have the prettiest feathers...



Willow in nest number 2 and Coconut waiting in line...

Rob and Molly admiring the fire pit garden (haha)...
Paula threw out some little pumpkins last fall that had rotted...
 and voila!! ... Pumpkin plants...

Made some left over open faced hotdogs for lunch 
and then all of us, Mom and Dad in their suites 
and Lanny and I on the couch with the fur kids took a nap...
I can keep an eye on everything and everyone with my spy cams!!!

Maggie, Murphy and even Max (in his Daddy's lap) 
settled in for the midday snooze...

...and Mitzi with her bone on the floor...


Lany went back out to play in his shop and continue his experiments on the MULE...
It is running but he is still troubleshooting to be sure it is fixed...
it's not fun to get out on this property and break down... 
64 acres is BIG and it can be a mighty LONG walk!!


2 pm is Supper Time for the fur kids...
they eat Breakfast about 6 am and then Supper at 2...
it works well.
They get a couple nibbles of whatever evening snacks we are eating 
and that way they don't have to go out to potty in the middle of the night...

And then they need another nap after their meal :-)
I think these dogs nap about 85% of the time!!

Lanny loaded up the MULE and went out to mow, eat weeds, etc. etc....

And a surprise!!!
James, Tasha, Isaac, Sadie and Sylvia came out... 
they were picking up a guitar for Isaac but we got to visit a little!!

For Supper we had Rotisserie Chicken, Baked Sweet Potatoes, 
Peas and Carrots and Pudding...

After the pup piles were picked up and I cleaned up the kitchen we jumped in the MULE to go down and feed the fish in the big pond... 
well, we got about halfway and the HOT light came on... 
we made it back right as a belt broke and it started smoking..,.,
I am SO glad we didn't get all the way out to the pond...
that would have been a LONG, HOT WALK!!!

Rob is working on his fence...
Dad and Lanny checked over the MULE and Lanny will go for a belt tomorrow...

So now I am in my Jammies finishing this post, 
he is in the shower and will soon be in his jammies too...

Last night we watched The Fugitive with Harrison Ford... 
I think we may be on a theme here... 
I will let you know tomorrow what he decides on...

Goodnight Y'all...
God bless and Sweet Dreams!

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Tuesday on Walden's Mountain... June 25

Quiet Time...  🐑♥️ “Do not boast about tomorrow, for you do not know what a day may bring forth. Iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens an...