Friday, June 17, 2022

Friday on the Farm... June 17

Quiet Time...

““Behold, God is my salvation; I will trust, and will not be afraid; 
for the Lord God is my strength and my song, 
and He has become my salvation.””
‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭12:2‬

Dad was awake...'nuf said :-)

Pack Time... Bible Study...

Jumped up around 5:45...

Made the bed, fed the fur kids, put on my farm girl clothes 
and I'm ready for chickens and ducks! 

Willow laid her pretty green one in the night or early morning hours...

Went to the barn to give Dandy and Takoda some carrots...

The renegade pumpkin in the fire pit...

Lanny is filling out forms for Centri-Kid Camp coming up in two weeks... 
new background checks, etc.... He has gone every year since we started at Calvary.. twelve years now... Isaac and Belle went several years 
and this will be Sadie's second year... 
They leave on a Monday and come back Friday... 

I repotted Mom's really old violets... 
and the new one Shelly brought us...

They look pretty in the kitchen window...

Fed the men Eggs, Sausage and Toast for 8 am Breakfast...

One of the turtles was out... they are eating well and using the water bowl... 
I think they like it here... why wouldn't they?... today I gave them sardines!

Worked some more out in the Common Area...

Then made some Mexican Ramen for lunch...
Ramen noodles, a can of Black Beans and my Taco Seasoning...
it was so good I might make it for a Dinner Meal some night!
It was Yummy with Salsa and Tortilla Chips!!

Popcorn, Sugar, Coconut and Goldie...

Also Gabby laid another day time egg on the floor... 
this heat has everyone off kilter!

Lanny and I sat down after lunch for about 30 minutes for a little rest...

And even Max joined us today...

I think I have all the appliances that I don't use every single day out here... 
I kept the things I use often in the closet 
but actually it isn't that much farther from the kitchen to come out here!!

This is coming along... 
I had stuff all over the place inside, 
so I nearly have everything moved that I want out here...

We also have a spot out in the Common Area that is for storage... 
I have canning jars, my soap making supplies, other shared supplies... 
with four households moving up here we had a lot of duplicates :-) 
especially Mom and Dad's stuff...
I have been sorting it for a couple days as well...

There are some appliances that are in the free for all area...

And lots of camping gear...

So for supper we had some Chicken Nuggets, a few Fish Sticks, 
Macaroni and Tomatoes, Peas and Carrots 
and Cinnamon Applesauce with Graham Crackers for Dessert... Yum!

Lanny picked up the landmines...

I put the chicken feed away...
then we took off in the MULE...

It is actually SO cool driving thru these woods...
I mean temperature wise :-)

Shooting a log... we hadn't shot the guns for awhile 
so we like to get some practice now and then...

We also fed the big catfish!!

It's hard to tell but these guys are huge!

Rob is doing some framing work INSIDE his house... 
he made his living area a workshop because it is just too darn hot outside!!! :-) 

So all the evening chores are done... 
we are in our jammies and getting ready to watch Ocean's 11...
Watching a movie rooting for the bad guys who are taking the even worse guys...
Relativism :-)

Goodnight Y'all!
God bless and Sweet Dreams!

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