Monday, June 20, 2022

Monday in the Mountains... June 20

Quiet Time...

“From the rising of the sun to its setting, 
the name of the Lord is to be praised!”
‭‭Psalm‬ ‭113:3‬ 

Dad got up about 4:15...

Just enough time for me to settle down with the fur kids and then have to jump up to take him his morning goodies... I wish he could sleep normal hours for his health, but it's easier for me if he is up when I get up at 3:45... selfish :-(

Enjoying his coffee and Breakfast Croissant...

Hit the floor at 5:45... left Lanny and the fur kids comfy on the couch...

Moved Max into the living room so I could make the bed...

Uh Oh... I think she is broken!

Max went straight to his Daddy's Cuddle...

Headed out to the chickens and ducks...

Gabby was in her little nest on the coop floor...

Took the horses some carrots...

And when I went back to check Gabby had indeed laid her egg...

Decanted the Water Kefir and took the berries out to the chickens...
the ducks aren't crazy about them...

I also popped them some corn...
they like popcorn without the salt and butter...

Made some Ham Sandwiches for lunch...
Lanny went out early to mow so he ate some yogurt 
and Dad just slept thru second breakfast...
I gave him a donut around 9:30...

Lanny and I sat down with the Pack for a nice hour rest/relax/snooze...
Actually, I was doing some reading about canning, etc. 
but did close my eyes for a nice relax....

One of the Pearl Whites and Goldie...

And a little later, the other Pearl White...

Max loves to be outside, but it IS hot!...
I think the concrete may be a bit cooler than the air...

For Supper we had Baked Potatoes 
and a Wild Rice concoction I threw together...
Along with Garlic Texas Toast and Jello for Dessert...

Lanny picked up the puppy landmines...
Paula and I cleaned up the kitchen...
I went out and put the chicken feeders away 
and found the babies on the duck house looking for goodies on the roof... 
they should start laying any day!!!

Well, Lanny was at the church last night so I watched Star Trek... 
he came home in time to watch one episode with me...

Not sure what will be on the big screen tonight...
I will let you know...

Goodnight Y'all!
God bless and Sweet Dreams!!

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