Sunday, June 19, 2022

Sunday, The Lords' Day on the Mountain... June 19

Quiet Time...

“As a father shows compassion to his children, so the Lord shows compassion to those who fear him.”

‭‭Psalm‬ ‭103:13


Dad was up...
...meds, socks, coffee and Biscuit Roll-Ups...

My Study Pack...
Lanny joined us around 4:30...

Made the bed (after relocating Max)
and headed out to the feathered children...

Gabby's gift in the coop floor...
a little later Penny laid one, but it was so soft it fell apart when I picked it up...
Poor little girl... she seems fine otherwise, but something is obviously amiss...

Mimosa... I love this tree...
just NOT in the yard :-)
This one, and many others, are outside the yard proper
 in the woods going down the hill...
Perfect spot for them!

Baking Brownies for our Sunday Lunch...

Interesting moth out in the garden this morning...

A Pearl White and Goldie...

Sunday Lunch...

Spaghetti and Baked Onions!

Happy Father's Day Daddy...

...and to my precious Hubby, Lanny...

And our oldest Robbie...
and Happy Father's Day to our youngest James...
wish they could have been here...

You know what happens after lunch :-)

One more Pearl White...

Dad opening his cards...

First one from Mom....

That look!

The four of us!!!

Lanny headed back to church around 4...
there is a concert tonight so he has to set that all up...

I am making Mom and Dad some Chicken Noodle Soup for their "supper"...

I'll head out after that to put the chicken feed away and close up the sand box...

No movie tonight but probably a couple Star Trek Episodes...
The two of us have been watching one episode each night after our movie...
Lanny had never seen The Next Generation either so they are a treat for him too!!

Goodnight Family and Friends...
Love to you ALL!!!

God bless America!!!
God bless you...
and Sweet Dreams!

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