Monday, June 13, 2022

Monday on the Mountain... June 13

Quiet Time...

"Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus" 
Philippians 2:5 

Yep! Dad was up!

Made him Roll Ups for his first breakfast 
and then headed for the couch with my pack...

I hit the floor around 5:40... 
made the bed and got dressed and it was already light... 
Bucky was crowing up a storm so I headed out...

Gabby's egg...
they stayed in their duck house last night...
no Penny egg for several days...

I fed the fur kids... they were giving me the evil eye when I came in the door :-)
Took care of them 
and then headed Southeast :-) 
to see the horses...

Carrot Time!!

Paula and I are going to do some canning this year 
so I got out the canners to check them out...

They are both working perfectly 
so we are going to sneak out Wednesday morning and go to the Farmers Market 
just to see if there is anything we can work on...
Lanny will watch the Elder Kids while we are gone :-)

Fed Dad and Lanny some Fried Eggs, Sausage and Toast for Breakfast.
Mom had already eaten her prunes and drank her 360 calorie milkshake (Boost) 
so she wasn't hungry... 
I had already eaten my prunes as well, but I am ALWAYS hungry, 
so I ate a couple pieces of toast :-)

Lanny found the leak so he is working on the Koi pond. 
It needs a good clean out anyway so we will continue to work on it in the mornings when it is cooler... it is stifling HOT out there by noon 
and will make us old people SICK if we work in it!!

We had tuna sandwiches for lunch, 
Rob joined us (Paula and Molly had gone out for a brunch)...
and after lunch we sat down with every intention of snoozing...

But this is what I could see over my crossed ankles in the reclined position...
I was working on the pantry and had it in complete disarray!!!
I just couldn't rest... had to get up and finish that.
You really cannot tell what a mess it was in this picture...
it was wild!

I got it all back together, finally...
this one will be different when Lanny builds the one in the big barn... 
I will use more 5 gallon buckets and some vac sealed mylar bags... 
this will be for the short term storage... right now it has a lot of bulk stuff 
which makes it harder to deal with. I am anxious to have a big one out there!!! 
And if Paula and I do much canning 
I am going to need a LOT more pantry space :-)

I have been so busy today that I just didn't take a lot of pictures... 
I am in and out visiting with the chickens and didn't take any of them :-( 
but you probably have seen just about enough chicken pics, right? :-)
I had two Pearl Whites today and a Goldie... 4 total...
it's just TOO hot!


You know that YUMMY soup we had yesterday, 
well, it is even better with egg noodles...
of course, anything (just about) can go with egg noodles!!

Dinner Bell on Walden's Mountain!

Served with Rosemary Garlic Biscuits and it was PERFECT!!

Rob had some company and took enough for them to share as well..
I love that kind of quick meal!!!
ESPECIALLY when I am busy!!!

Lanny picked up the piles, I cleaned up the kitchen (with Paula's valuable help) 
and went out to cool down the chickens... gave them some cold water, 
wetted down a few areas for them to squat in... it is SO very hot 
and I know they are miserable. I think it is time for a couple fans in their coop... 
we used them in our coop down in Oak Ridge and had no issues with them. 
I didn't blow directly on their roost... just to circulate some air for them... 
Lanny may shop for a couple tomorrow...

Last night we watched Enemy Mine... I think when we bought it we got the TV version with fewer bad words because it wasn't as bad as I remember... 
still some, but not intolerable!

I think tonight we will do the other dragon movie, Dragon Heart with Dennis Quaid
(he was in Enemy Mine, if you remember)... we like themes as you already know :-)

Mom is eating a bit better, is not losing any weight 
and seems to be holding up pretty well :-)

But continue to lift her up. We will know in a few weeks if the radiation 
had any affect on the tumors...

Please, continue to pray!

Goodnight Dear Ones!!!
God bless and Sweet Dreams!


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