Sunday, June 12, 2022

The Lords' Day in the Wood... June 12

Quiet Time...

“Love one another with brotherly affection. 
Outdo one another in showing honor.”
‭‭Romans‬ ‭12:10 

Well, you know what I'm going to say...
(Dad was up)

After I took care of his needs Lanny and I sat down with the Bible Study Pack...
Well, the pups don't really study, they just snooze and enjoy the pack time!

I left the comfort of the couch around 5:45 to start my "day job"...
Max was in the bed just waiting for me...

I gave him to his Daddy and went back in to make our bed...

It was already very light outside, 
so I went ahead and let the chickens and ducks out...

One Gabby egg...
they slept in their own house last night...

After I fed the fur kids I went back out to water a little...
the afternoons are SO hot...
I especially have to water the potted plants...
Max was enjoying his time out with the birds...
they don't mind him a bit and he never bothers them...

Had to decant the water kefir...

...and of course, give the birds their berries!

They worked it out because both Popcorn and Sugar laid their pearly white eggs in the same box :-)

Lanny headed to church around 8 and got home around 12:30...

For our Sunday lunch we had Soup:
I dug out a large container of beef bone broth (homemade), some goat meat I had frozen, adzuki beans I had frozen... added some diced tomatoes, some corn and some spinach and VOILA!!!
It was a hit...Honestly, you can throw just about anything together and make a soup!!!

Then Lanny and I snoozed with the fur pack... 
all of them (Mitzi in the floor, but with us)...

We seem to have a leak in the koi pond... perhaps a hose, but we cannot find it. Lanny spent too much time in that hot sun working on it but I convinced him to wait until tomorrow morning when it was shady there and much cooler... It is SO hot. The thermometer on the shady porch says 93 and there is no breeze at all!!!

I fed Dad and Lanny some chicken noodle soup, gave Mom her high calorie Boost and a cold banana (she likes her banana's cold)... 
I am never really hungry after a big lunch... snacks only :-)

Last night we watched Eragon... the kids liked it when they used to hang around so it was more sweet grandkid memories than a good movie, but it's about dragons and dragon riders and I do like dragons...

Tonight is Enemy Mine... A great movie except it was made right when the bad language ban ended so it is full of bad language... I just turn off that side of my brain and enjoy the coming together of bitter enemies...

Anyway, we are in for the night, everything is done and we are sitting down under the ceiling fan ready for our movie time... 
all the critters are waiting patiently for us to sit down... 
they love our pack time...

Goodnight Y'all...
We love you and appreciate your prayers for Mom and for the family...

God bless and Sweet Dreams!!

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Friday on Walden's Mountain... June 28

Quiet Time...  ☀️🌻 “The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside quiet waters. He ...