Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Wednesday in the Wood... June 8

Quiet Time...

“Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God 
so that at the proper time He may exalt you,”
‭‭1 Peter‬ ‭5:6‬ 

Dad didn't get up until about 4:15, so I had everything ready... 
except for heating up his Biscuit... 

So I sat down to read until he turned on his light...
Had Maggie and Murphy as company...

Lanny got up about the same time Dad did :-)

Made the bed and fed the fur kids... 
it was still cloudy and dark enough 
that the chicks and ducks were not TOO noisy yet :-)

A pretty nice crop of BSF Grubs this morning... 
There are SO many in the Pod not quite ready to emerge... 
there will be buckets full when they do!!! 
Hopefully I will be able to freeze some for winter treats. 
BSF are only active in the heat of summer...

They also still like their Scratch :-)

One Gabby egg...
They stayed in their own house last night...

Headed out the south eastern end of the big barn to the stables...

They were waiting for carrots!!

Decanted the water kefir...

And went out to treat the chicks... 
the ducks aren't as excited about the fermented berries...

They do still hunt around hoping there is something BESIDES the berries :-)
And they will eat one or two!

Made Dad and Lanny a Sausage, Egg and Cheese Omelet 
with Toast and Grapes...
Mom and I ate toast...

Lanny cleaned out the back of his truck 
so he and Dad could go to Oak Ridge Hardwood for some MULCH!!! 
I LOVE getting NEW MULCH!!!

Three little eggs in the Blue Bird House...
It is definitely a Blue Bird pair... 
I watched them going in and out and also they were dive bombing me 
when I took the photo... It's unusual for them to lay white eggs... 
The other clutch in the other nest box were white eggs as well, 
so this must be the same pair or siblings, same family.... 

Back already with the mulch...
Lanny has to open the electric fence up to back in the truck...

Blackberries coming in along the driveway!!

Lanny got his new alternator last night and couldn't wait to install it...
He LOVES his MULE!!!
Well, we all do. It is a fabulous tool on a big property!!

Dad likes to just sit in the barn doors and look at stuff... 
birds in the Martin House and lots of big birds flying over, 
mostly Turkey Buzzards, Crows, etc... 
He has binoculars in his little basket ...

And, since I am a farm girl :-) and need the exercise, I decided to spread a little mulch. I did nearly half the load! It isn't garden mulch, it is hardwood "playground" mulch, and we use it specifically for our backyard dog area and the chicken run. 
It is fabulous!!! it keeps the moisture below so the chickens can still dig around and find good stuff, but it keeps the top dry... 
no mess on your shoes, no matter how much it rains!!

The girls are busy doing their job...

Lanny is going to spread the other half on the dog yard... 
this spot was always so muddy and these wood chips solved that problem. 
The dogs never track in mud... 
although occasionally they do bring in a nice piece of wood bark to chew on :-)

Willow and Coconut!
I love Coconuts' pink egg, and matched with Willows' green it is quite lovely!!!

Lanny has the alternator installed... 

I knew he wasn't ready to leave his work so I took lunch to him!

I fed Mom and Dad
 and then Lanny came in for our after lunch snooze...

A Hummer friend!

Shading under the deck...

Lanny is refreshing the mulch in the dog area...

For Supper we had Salmon Cakes, Yams, Green Beans and Carrots, 
Beets, Garlic Cheese Crescents and Pudding for Dessert...

Robbie came in to grab a take out plate just as I started to do the group shot... 
but you all know what we look like so it won't hurt to miss a day :-) 
Paula ate a big lunch with a friend so didn't join us.

All the evening chores are done, Lanny is in the shower, 
I am in my Jammies finishing this post...

Not sure what is on the big screen tonight 
but he will surprise me with a good one, no doubt!!

Goodnight Precious Family and Friends!
We love you all and appreciate your continued prayers for Mom and all of us...
we know you are praying because we can feel them :-)

Goodnight, and Sweet Dreams!

God bless you ALL!!!

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