Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Wednesday in the Woods... June 15

Quiet Time...

“Who is wise and understanding among you? 
By his good conduct let him show his works in the meekness of wisdom.”
‭‭James‬ ‭3:13

This is from last night...
When I go to bed this is what I deal with... Maggie is under the cover at the top, 
Mitzi in the middle and Murph is where my feet need to go... 
I have to slide in and wiggle them all around 
til I have some space!  Nightly ritual :-)

Dad was up and ready for his meds, his coffee, 
his socks and a Breakfast Burrito...

Then my quiet time... Maggie and Murphy joined me early on...
Maggie is always right there with me first thing...
Murphy often mosey's in a little later...

Oh, if you don't use the Bible Project Daily Reading plan you ought to. 
There is a video at the beginning of each book and often more than one as you go along, to tell you about the book, the author, the history and times... 
I LOVE it! You would too! 
Just started Hosea...

Lanny joined us about 4:30...

Finished up around 5:45. Made our bed, got dressed in my farm girl clothes :-)
and headed out to the chicken and duck lot!

I fed the fur kids and went out to see what Lanny was hammering on 
out in the big barn!

He put my pantry shelves in and is working on the new water heater...
Mom and Dad and Rob and Molly have been served with a tankless one 
and it's fine in the summer but in the winter it just cannot make hot enough water...
 no matter HOW much insulation is around those pipes. 
So Lanny is putting in a regular 40 gallon tank to serve their faucets and showers... 
we have a good one that does our end of the house already...

Ran down at 7 to grab my Sadie girl to spend the day...

Came home and made breakfast for the three of them... 
I ate toast and prunes :-)
Mom ate her prunes and Boost...

Lanny worked on the gate a bit... 
it wasn't closing well...

He will put up walls and a ceiling in the new pantry, 
but he said it was NO problem if I put my stuff on the shelves... 
he can work around it... so, I have been having a BALL playing out there in this heat. The barn is only a few degrees cooler that outside, 
but I had a big fan blowing on me...

He also moved the non-working fridge that I was using as a makeshift pantry around the corner into the open storage area, and I will now make it a First Aid Station. Bandaids, Ace Bandages, Alcohol, Peroxide, 
Wound and Burn Kits, Braces and Splints...


Working on the power for the Water Heater 
and Rob and Molly's household power...

For lunch I made Open Faced Chili Cheese Dogs 
with the left over hot dogs from yesterday... 
it has become a favorite around here !

Then Sadie and I went out to check on the chickens and ducks...
I gave them some cool water in all there water containers 
and Sadie gave them some scratch grain... 
they ate out of her hand like they do mine :-)

Looks so much better...

I was using this cabinet for pantry items... it is right outside the back door. 
But now I will bring out some of my appliances that I don't use every day 
and put them here to free up some space in our bedroom closet... 

I think I've shown you before but this is our bedroom closet... one side is our clothes...

...and the other is kitchen!
Crock Pots, Rice Cooker, Instapots, Food Processor, Meat Grinder, Bosch Mixer, Stand Mixer, you name it, it's in here!

So, I will keep the things I use ALL the time and take the occasionally used ones out to the cabinet. That way it will free up some space to put our home canned foods until the outside pantry is temperature regulated... I don't mind store bought cans and the other dry goods... that corner is insulated and not too hot or cold. 
But if Paula and I can a bunch of stuff I want it SAFER!!! :-) at least for now...

For supper we had Panko Chicken Breasts, Green Beans, 
Mashed Potatoes and Gravy, Macaroni and Cheese and Garlic Bread...
Pudding for Dessert...

I went out to put the chicken food away and I couldn't find the hens... 
they were in the shady dust bath :-) 
I figure maybe the sand was cool since it was in the shade most of the day...

The pup piles are up, the chicken food is safely away, 
they have cold water, as long as THAT lasts :-)

I am ready to call it a day!
Not sure what is on the big screen tonight...
I will let you know.

Goodnight Y'all! God bless and Sweet Dreams!!

1 comment:

  1. Yes she is feeding the chickens again! I knew she still had some country in her LOL


Sunday on Walden's Mountain... June 16

Quiet Time... 🌿💪 ““These things I have spoken to you so that you may be kept from stumbling. But I tell you the truth, it is to your advan...