Monday, August 15, 2022

Monday on the Mount... August 15

Quiet Time...

“But if we walk in the light, as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus His Son cleanses us from all sin.”
‭‭1 John‬ ‭1:7‬ ‭ESV‬‬


Daddy was up and waiting...

Made him comfortable and happy with some Biscuit Rollups
and then I went to my Happy Place...
Mags and Murph beside me...

Lanny joined us soon after
so we had the usual Study Pack...
minus Mitzi and Max...

Lanny bought me some new sheets so I changed the bed this morning
(had to move Max and Mitzi out!),
fed the fur kids,
and headed out back!

Mitzi went right back in and cuddled up in the Pillow Sham!

Maggie wanted her picture taken too!

Nice cool morning so I tilled the gardens...

Lanny took some action shots :-)

It's a small tiller so not too difficult to handle.
I actually LOVE doing this!!

Lanny had eaten some cereal so didn't want second breakfast...
I made Dad some French Toast and a boiled egg...

Watch cat!

Gabby laid her egg in the coop
where it belongs :-)

Sugar thinking about it...

We had some left over Taco Casserole for lunch 
and then took a little Siesta under the fan...
I was still a bit warm from being outside in the humidity!!

Penny laid her oblong egg out in the yard,
Gabby, Goldie and Sugar...
and a little later Opal laid her pretty olive green egg...

Lanny and I snuck out for a quick trip down the drive to the mailbox...
hey, these day any time I leave the house is an outing! :-)

Paula was out chasing her little grass, leaf, stick eater...
Cody (the new yorkie) eats everything!!!

For supper we had Beef and Gravy, Mashed Potatoes, 
Peas and Carrots and Biscuits...

Mom ate in her room.
She is still real sore from her fall.
However, she STILL walks around without the walker.
I told her that I was going to put rails on her bed 
and make her buzz me to get up.
She really CANNOT walk around without that walker 
and I cannot seem to make her understand that!!
Pray for her...
a broken bone would be awful...

Pup piles are picked up...
Kitchen is clean.
Chicken feed is safe.
The birds have clean water.
We are in our Jammies
and ready to watch a movie...

Lanny is still deciding 
so I will let you know what he decides tomorrow :-)

Goodnight Y'all...
God Bless and Sweet Dreams!!

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