Saturday, August 20, 2022

Saturday on the Mountain... August 20

Quiet Time...

"Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, 
and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself." 

Matthew 22:37-39 KJV 

Daddy was still in bed...
didn't get up until around 5:30...

Cuddle bugs...
Maggie and Murphy...

Lanny slept in a bit too...
he was coughing all night so didn't sleep well...
neither did I :-)

After I took care of Dad and finished up my Devotional Blog post 
I went in to make the bed...
no fur kids in the big bed :-)
Mitzi was on her futon...

Maggie was peeking in to see to whom I was baby talking  :-)
Jealous little rascal!

The clock struck 6 and all the fur children can tell time!
They are ready for breakfast!

You notice that Maggie and Casey have different bowls...
they have MAZE bowls because they are PIGS!!!
They eat way too fast with a regular bowl and this slows them down a little...

Mitzi is very polite and slow...

Headed out to the feathered children...

Penny's egg in the middle of the coop floor...

I had a pretty good stash of grubs this morning
so I gave them half and saved the rest for later in the day...

Max loves to roam the chicken yard...
they pay no attention to him...

I should have offered him a grub...
he seems to be very interested in what they are eating!

A few of the other farm critters...

Then I checked in on Takoda and Dandy...

Cutting up their carrot...


Bread Day...

Ready for first rise...

Decanted Sparkley...

Made a Sausage, Egg and Cheese Omelet and Toast for the men!

Two girls in each nest!
and only one egg today...
I have seen no sign of that snake 
but I am still wondering about the lack of eggs...
it could just be the heat...

First rise looks good!

Shaped and ready to rise again...

My Breville oven has a proof setting...
so I use it when I use these loaf pans...
my long baguette pan won't fit!

So, another batch of Graham Crackers...
I am afraid that I have created several monsters around here...
including ME!
These things are delicious!
If you haven't tried them please do.
You will love them.
Here is the link to the recipe again...

Rising nicely...

Wow! I should have split that dough into three loaves...
these are HUGE!

Graham Crackers are done...
still not too pretty but OH SO GOOD!!!

Had a light lunch...
Saltines, Tuna, Peanut Butter, Chips and Salsa...

But even a light lunch deserves a Siesta afterwards :-)

Goldie Egg...

I backwashed the duck pond and had to add some water.
The ducks love company and an audience :-)
I also add blue saphire pond color 
because it keeps the algae production way down.
the water is very blue and quite pretty!

I have made so many messes in the kitchen today 
that I couldn't even think what to make for dinner... 
so, I made Chili Mac!!
It's a favorite and I don't know why I always use it 
as a quick last minute meal...

Mom is still in Time Out :-)
Just kidding...
she is just more comfortable in her room...

Went out to put up the feed and they thought it was treat time :-)

Paula didn't eat with us tonight...
She has Paddock duty ;-)
So, when she is busy I just make her a "To Go" box :-)

Well, the yard is picked up,
all the evening chores are done.
I am getting ready to put on my night clothes and Lanny is in the shower.
We will finish Jason Bourne tonight.
We didn't make it thru the whole thing last night.

Oh, continue to pray for our Granddaughter (in law) Sky...
She will have some tests soon but the doctors feel that it is not a serious condition.
She is naturally concerned so just continue to lift her up.
God knows the details...

Goodnight Sweet Family and Friends...
God bless America...
God bless you ALL...
Sweet Dreams!


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