Saturday, August 6, 2022

Saturday on the Mountain... August 6

Quiet Time...

“We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised 
against the knowledge of God, 
and take every thought captive to obey Christ,”
‭‭2 Corinthians‬ ‭10:5‬ ‭ESV‬‬

Dad was up...

He had an audience as he ate his Sausage Biscuits!
Max and Casey...

Settled in with Maggie and Murphy...

...and Lanny joined us around 4:30...

So did Max...

Finished up around 5:45 and made the bed and fed the kids...
they all go around and check each others bowls to be sure nothing was missed :-)
every single meal!

Washing jars and lids to get ready to can some Pork Loin...

Ordered two giant loins from Costco yesterday...
About 15 pounds...

The chickens and ducks were hollering at me...
so I headed out to release them from their overnight prison :-)

The Soldier Fly Grubs are doing better...
and the feathered kids couldn't be happier!

Penny laid her egg in the floor nest...

The fish are like the rest of my critters
and come up to the side with their mouths open when I walk up!

Max is in heaven!
He LOVES laying on his Daddy's keyboard and especially,
the trackpad!!!

Filled 8 quart jars with 5 Pork Loin slices each...

Gave the birds some tomatoes...
which they love...

And watched them hunting and pecking thru the kitchen window...

I had two small loin slices left over so I cooked them 
and gave them to Dad and Lanny with their Fried Eggs and Toast...

Also opened up one of the Grape Jellies from last week...
Mom also had Toast and Grape Jelly in her Suite...

One of the turtles out enjoying breakfast...

Gabby laid her egg in the floor nest as well...
I didn't have the camera with me when I headed out there...

Pork Loin cooling on the counter...

Hummer wars have been going on for days!

Made a Jello and Fruit Dessert for tomorrow's Sunday Lunch...

Made an Apple Crisp for TONIGHTS supper :-)

Had to take a taste...
notice the tiny bite from the lower right edge :-)

Made Grilled Cheese for lunch...

And see, Debbie, I DO eat lunch...
I just don't sit down :-)

Nap time...
Had to move Maggie out of my spot...

Goldie's gift for the day...

For dinner I made my Ad Lib Mexican Ramen...
It is quite good!

Another Opal egg, number 4 :-)
and one from Willow...
5 for the day!

It is pouring the rain...
abbreviated evening outside chores...
We still have power... imagine that!!

IF we keep power we will watch the end of Australia...
watched the first half last night...
it's a long one and we rarely make it thru in one night...

Goodnight Y'all...
God bless and Sweet Dreams...
Stay in our of the storms :-)

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