Thursday, August 25, 2022

Thursday on the Hill... August 25

Quiet Time...

"Heaviness in the heart of man maketh it stoop: 
But a good word maketh it glad." 
Proverbs 12:25 KJV
Daddy got up around 5...

Pack time...
abbreviated pack, Maggie and Murph...

Lanny came in shortly after...

Had to move Max...

I was working on my chicken broth and lost track of time...
the feathered kids were highly offended :-)

Still no Gabby egg...

Dandy is very gentle when he eats a carrot...

Gorgeous clouds this morning...

Lanny was working on the burn area beside the Pole Barn...

I leave the back door open if it isn't too warm 
so the fur kids can watch us in the big barn...
they get lonesome when they are alone :-)

Double deck of Chicken Feet Broth!!!
Very thick and rich!!

Eleven Pints!!
I did not personally know any of the chickens 
that went into the making of this broth :-)

Wendy found a great deal on metal shelves at the Restore 
and picked them up for us... 
Lanny is working on them for our closet pantry area...

Coconut egg...

I made some Egg Salad with Bacon for lunch...
And Lanny and I did take a nap.
As a matter of fact we closed our eyes and then it was an hour later!!!
I think someone played a trick on us!

Willow and Sugar...

Sugar often has very rough eggs...

We had a little of the Kielbasa and Kraut Stew left over so I added some green beans, corn and some spinach and made a soup. It was YUMMY!!

Mom ate in her Suite...

All the evening chores are done.
I am in my Jammies and Lanny is getting ready...
Not sure what we will watch tonight...
Lanny will pick something good!!

Goodnight Y'all...
God bless and Sweet Dreams!

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