Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Wednesday in the Wood... August 24

Quiet Time...

“When the cares of my heart are many, 
your consolations cheer my soul.”
‭‭Psalm‬ ‭94:19‬ ‭ESV‬‬

Daddy was up...

Made him a couple Sausage Biscuits...

Then I settled down with Maggie and Murphy...

Maggie got hot and decided to keep her Daddy's spot warm til he came in...

Which wasn't until after 5:30!!

Making broth with the chicken feet...
I did not personally know any of these chickens :-)

Headed out to MY chickens 
that need never know what is going on in the kitchen :-)

Penny's egg...
no Gabby...

A nice pile of grubs!!

They LOVE 'em!

Fluffy Bottoms...

Made Dad and Lanny some Eggs, Sausage and Toast...

Lanny is working on walls for our barn pantry...

Decanted Sparkley...
Berries for the Birds...

Grilled Cheese for lunch...

And Siesta Time to follow...

My Maggie is NOT spoiled!!

For supper we had Pintos, Fried Taters, Spinach and Cornbread!!!

All the chores are done...
I am in my jammies and Lanny is in the shower.

Tonight we are thinking about watching the newest Magnificent Seven with
Denzel Washington and Chris Pratt...
I don't know why, but we have never seen it!!

Goodnight Y'all...
God bless and Sweet Dreams!

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