Friday, November 11, 2022

Friday on the Farm... November 11

Quiet Time...

“As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, 
as good stewards of God’s varied grace:”
‭‭1 Peter‬ ‭4‬:‭10‬ ‭ESV‬‬

Dad was up...
I made him a couple of Biscuit Roll ups..

and then...
between these two pictures a LOT happened.
As you know I have cameras in Mom and Dad's room and I monitor them every waking moment. When I sit down for our Quiet Time I have my phone monitoring them right next to my reading. I usually catch her getting up and I can run back there and help her. Somehow she managed to get up and fall this morning before I could get back there. She fell into her bedside table and really banged up her arm. We probably won't know what else she hurt until tomorrow when it all settles in... she falls about once a month and STILL won't buzz me when she needs to get up.  Anyway, it really threw off my morning so no pictures. PLUS, it is raining cats and dogs :-)

The rain let up just a tad so I did get a picture of my flock...

Lanny and I set up the green house lights this morning...

It's hard to see but there are two grow light bars above each shelf.
I can't wait to get some more trays going...
I'm growing Microgreens as I am sure you know by now. 
If anyone is interested in trying some I'd be happy to share. 
I want to start selling them. They are so good and SO good for you as well. 
So far I am growing radish, broccoli, a lettuce salad mix... 
but I want to try sunflower seeds and some other greens and nasturtium... 
we have a Microgreen Salad nearly every night!!

I made the men a Bacon and Egg Omelet and Toast for Breakfast...

Then started some bread.
I don't trust Mom so I keep running back and forth between her room and the kitchen. The weather is messing up the reception 
so I don't even have the cameras today!!!
Wouldn't you know!

I will probably be sorry for putting the dough in this bowl.
... the deep bowl I usually use is in use somewhere else...
In the warm oven for first rise...

One hour later....
Yep, I am almost sorry :-)
It was just about to fall over the side :-)

Shaped and in for second rise...

Well, I got sidetracked with some emergencies between lunch and bake time... 
the bread rose a little too much and then fell a bit in the oven. 
It still tastes fine but just isn't very pretty :-)

Pork Roast and Gravy Open Faced Sandwiches, Mashed Potatoes 
and Home Canned Green Beans...
Robbie joined us...

And Mom ate in her suite...

Chores are done...
Time for jammies and couch time.
Another Star Trek tonight...

Goodnight Y'all...
God Bless and Sweet Dreams...

“Sleep in peace tonight, 
God is bigger than anything you will face tomorrow.”

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