Saturday, November 12, 2022

Saturday in the Hills... November 12

Quiet Time...

“Set your minds on things that are above, 
not on things that are on earth.”
‭‭Colossians‬ ‭3‬:‭2‬ ‭ESV‬‬

Daddy was up...
Made him a couple Sausage Biscuits to go with his coffee 
and then I sat down with my crew...

Had an uneventful Quiet Time...
Mom didn't get up until after 6...
had to move Max out of the bed of course...

Maggie and Murphy were nearly touching :-)

Sparkley Day
and berries for the chickies...

Out to the flock...
it was drizzling rain...

These birds don't seem to mind rain...
I come out thru the day and they are all soaked!

Eggs, Sausage and Toast for the men...

Mom had Toast and Jelly...
her arm is banged up but mostly just scraped... no cuts.
She bruises very easily and her skin is so thin that it doesn't take much to peel it back!!
Her foot is also blue so she hit it as well.
It is a miracle that she doesn't break anything.
I am sure the Lord must have a fleet of guardian angels watching over her!

Busy morning but nothing picture worthy :-)
Made Tuna sandwiches for lunch...

Then Lanny and Dad headed downtown 
to pick up some stuff at Home Depot and Tractor Supply...

Lanny took this picture from Black Oak Baptist's parking lot...
looking over to the hill where we live.
Isn't it gorgeous!!

Our new Harvest Right Freeze Dryer will be here Tuesday 
so Lanny is getting a table ready for it.
I am SO excited to start freeze drying food as well as canning!!
This is out in the Common Area Pantry

For supper we had Panko Breaded Chicken Breast, Normandy Veggies, 
Sweet Yellow Corn and Microgreen Salad!!!
Butterscotch Pudding for Dessert!

Chores are done...
Jammies are on...
Ready to start on the New Star Trek Movies...

Goodnight Y'all...
God bless you all...
God bless America...Sweet Dreams...

“There was never a night or a problem that could defeat sunrise or hope.” 
Bernard Williams

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