Saturday, December 24, 2022

Christmas Eve on Walden's Mountain... December 24

Quiet Time...

"And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call His name JESUS: 
for He shall save His people from their sins." 
Matthew 1:21 KJV
Mom didn't buzz me during the night.
I have had an awful crick in my neck and shoulders, even down my back!
So laying very still all night actually helped that a little...
Dad was up.
I made him a Breakfast Burrito and then sat down with my pups.
However, I decided to go in and try the water faucets 
in Mom and Dad's bath and sure enough,
the hot water was not running... sweet Lanny went up on the roof at 4 AM and warmed it up with a heat gun to get it running again. Later in the day he did some thicker insulating...

These are ready for black out for three or four days...

Horseradish is growing MUCH more than I thought 
or even wanted this time of year...

Made the bed and fed the fur kids and reluctantly went out to the Flock and Fluffle...
4 degrees is just a little bit chilly!

Lanny ran down town to look for some heat tape but there was none to be found.
AND the Tractor Supply was without power and the associates were taking customers in with a flashlight and only taking cash...
My poor Big Roo has frost bite on his comb...
The hens put their little heads under their wings at night but the roosters do not.

The koi pond is frozen except where the water is falling in...
the fish should be OK as long as there is an opening for oxygen,
but these fish have NEVER experienced these temperatures before...
I cannot see them thru the ice and can only hope...

And I can only hope that the turtles dug down far enough 
not to freeze in these temps as well...
It's hard being an animal Momma when you are a worry wart :-)


I fed the men some crackers, Vienna sausages, pastrami and salami circles 
(the power was off for the third rolling blackout of the day). 
I am all for the controlled black outs. So far they are only 30 minutes at the most 
and I would much rather have that than an extended power outage. 
Of course, we don't know when they will happen so just have to chance cooking 
or whatever you need to do using power.

Perfect day for a snooze on the couch with ALL the fur kids!
These are some warm and cozy blankets!

I placed an InstaCart order to CVS for Mom's Boost and to Kroger's 
for a few things I needed and we rested for about an hour...
Tonight we will go to Calvary to the Christmas Eve Service and Communion.
Sadie has a solo...
I added some macaroni to last nights taco soup...
turned out really yummy!

Lanny and I headed down the hill to Calvary...

Beautiful Christmas Eve Service...

She did a great job singing Noel...

It was nice getting out...

We got home around 6:30.
We are going to start a movie...
Remember the Titans.
We will probably have to watch the end tomorrow...

Merry Christmas Eve Family and Friends!!!
God bless us Every One!!

Sweet Dreams!

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Sunday on Walden's Mountain... October 6

 Quiet Time Bible Study... 🍂🍁 ““Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied.” ‭‭Matthew‬ ‭5‬:‭6...