Friday, December 23, 2022

Friday on the Farm... December 23

Quiet Time...

"..but they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; 
they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; 
and they shall walk, and not faint." 

Isaiah 40:31 KJV 

Well, Mom buzzed me five times last night... the last time was around 3:15, 
so I just stayed up til the coffee was brewed 
and forgot to take my morning clock picture.
...the temperature was around 20 at 3:30... 
which I thought was pretty cold...

Dad was waiting, so I made him a couple of Breakfast Taquitos 
along with his coffee and then sat down with my little bookends...
they do keep you warm...

Read 2 Peter this morning....

5:45 Microgreen time...
...along with the greens I have some of my lettuce and spinach 
from the outside greenhouse in here.
...we will be able to start eating on this lettuce 
in another week or so!

Moved Max to his Daddy's lap 
and made the bed...

Promised Rob and Molly and the boys 
that I would make Cinnamon Rolls this morning...
4 pounds of sweet dough...

First rise...

Also Sparkley Day...
and berries...

Now THAT'S cold!!!

Famous last words...
"I don't need gloves!"...
well, my hands were FREEZING!!!!

Made Dad and Lanny an Egg and Cheese Omelet,
Sausage links and Toast...
Grapes and Homemade Strawberry Jam...

LOTS of Cinnamon Rolls...
ready for second rise...

Then to some Bread...
I think I need to make it about every other day...
4 pounds of dough,
4 loaves...

...rolls are Baked and iced...

Messy cook!

Warmed up some left over Spaghetti for the men...

Wouldn't you know...
the power went off twice as I was trying to rise and bake the bread ...
the dough fell a bit but I put them in the oven anyway 
when the power came back on...

Lanny and I rested while the bread was in the oven...

Then the power went off again...
It tastes fine...
didn't brown and didn't rise correctly
but it will make excellent garlic toast
so no worries...

I will bake good loaves tomorrow...
if the power stays on :-)

Had to make some Taco Spice Mix...
I have a really yummy recipe (a few more ingredients) and an easy recipe, 
which I made today because I needed to get a move on. 
But if you are interested in making your own mixes I'll put up the link. 
It may not save much money but you know exactly what is in it: 
Taco seasoning, Chili Mix, Spaghetti Sauce Mix, 
even some dry soup mixes and other things you might like...

Made Taco Soup using my home canned Chili, Three Bean and Broth...
added some Diced Tomatoes and Corn and Voila!!
And in my gorgeous Dutch Oven :-)
Did I tell you I love my Marquette Castings Pot!!! :-)
I just leave it on the stove top...
It's gorgeous so I like to look at it
and I use it nearly every day anyway :-)

Three eggs and another one a little later...

...the dogs know where to camp out...
they haven't spent much time out there :-)

Taco Soup, Salad, Garlic Bread...

Chores are done...
quickly 'cause it's COLD!!!

We will watch Time Machine tonight...
the 2002 one with Guy Pierce...

I liked the 1960 one as well
with Rod Taylor.
Maybe we will look that one up...

Tomorrow night Sadie is singing a solo with Jenice for the Christmas Eve service...
I used to sing every year but I guess I will pass the baton to her now :-)
We are so proud of her!!

Goodnight Y'all...
God bless and Sweet Dreams...

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. 
Philippians 4:6–7 NIV

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