Friday, December 9, 2022

Friday on the Farm... December 9

Quiet Time...

"For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast. For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, 
which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.”

‭‭Ephesians‬ ‭2‬:‭8‬-‭10‬ ‭ESV‬‬ 

Mom slept thru the night...
Dad was up so I fixed him a Breakfast Burrito
to go with his coffee...

Mom buzzed right about that time and I got her taken care of...
then I settled down to start Ephesians...
I love this Bible Study. As I have told you,
each book starts with a video telling a bit about the time it was written, 
where, important things about the book... 
makes Bible Study more interesting...

Maggie is so stressed out...
wish I could do something for her :-)

Murph on the right and Maggie on the left...
Lanny joined us around 4:30.
We had a nice Quiet Time...

Then at 5:45 I checked on the Microgreens...
This is two days under weights...
it will be ready to go into blackout maybe tomorrow...

This one has been in light since yesterday and already grew this much!!

The far tray is close to harvest ready...

...another pretty top Betsy gave me...
goes great with Christmas earrings :-)

Okra and Spinach batch came out of the freeze dryer thus morning...
Ready to store...

Fed the fur kids at 6 am...

...the beef broth is gelled and ready to prep for freeze dry...

I scooped the fat layer off the top 
and then spread the gel onto the dryer trays...

 I can certainly make a BIG mess in this kitchen...

But I will get it cleaned up and ready for the next messy project...

Flock and Fluffle Time...

Foggy this morning!

Buffy and Mara are often last to get out of bed in the morning :-)

The Bunnies also beg whenever I come out the gate...

The fish were moving around this morning 
but I still don't feed them if the water is under 54 degrees...
There is plenty of organic tidbits floating around if they need something.
They cannot digest well under 54 degrees...

Made the men a Bacon, Egg, Bell Pepper, 
Onion and Cheese Omelet and Toast...

You can guess what is coming next...

Canning some chicken breasts ...
Found some good deals at Costco this week..

Double decker...
11 pints...

Planted another tray of Microgreens...
Salad blend...

I use a spice shaker for the seed and it makes them SO even...

Here are some of the things we have Freeze Dried this past week.
Some is in Mylar bags but these are in vacuum sealed jars...

We had Deli Chicken Sandwiches for Lunch...
Chips and Salsa...

Mom too...

Then Paula came over and we gave her a good shower, 
washed her hair and gave her a new do...

Chicken Breasts popping and sealing on the counter...

Put the broth into the Freeze Dryer.
I cannot wait to see how these turn out!!!

Chicken Breast, Steamed Broccoli, Yams, 
Corn (some of the freeze dried... it was delish!!)

Chores are don...
Jammies are calling me...

We watched the Patrick Steward Christmas Carol last night...
I think we will start on the 3 Santa Claus movies tonight...

God bless you Sweet Family and Friends...
Goodnight and Sweet Dreams!

Proverbs 3:23
Then you will walk in your way securely
And your foot will not stumble.

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