Monday, December 5, 2022

Monday on the Mountain... December 5

Quiet Time...

“Be strong and courageous. Do not fear or be in dread of them, 
for it is the Lord your God who goes with you. 
He will not leave you or forsake you.””
‭‭Deuteronomy‬ ‭31‬:‭6‬ ‭ESV‬‬
Last night, Lanny picking out the movies...
the Christmas movies are on the bottom shelf :-)

So he picked them all out 
and put them in the desired order...

Murphy enjoys movie time...
not for the movie, but for the comfortable cuddle :-)

Mom only buzzed me once, around 11...
then we both went back to sleep :-)
Dad didn't get up until 5:30
but I got all his stuff ready 
except for his two Breakfast Taquitos...

And we settled in for Bible Study Time...
with all three of the fur kids...

5:45 Microgreen Time...

Does this sound like a broken record?
It pretty much is but I kinda like routine...
Changed the sheets, put the dirty ones in the wash,
fed the kids
and headed out to the Flock and Fluffle...

A bit chilly!

Except for ducks!


Took some Microgreens out to the Bunnies...

Chicken are hiding...
can you see them :-)
they LOVE the brush...

We have lots of birds up here!

Lanny and I had an eye appointment this morning at 9 
so we headed down the hill around 8:15...
Paula came over to sit with Mom and Dad...

After we had our check up and picked out our frames we went to Costco 
for some Rotisserie Chickens (to take home and Freeze Dry) 
and then headed to Olive Garden... 
we were there when they opened the door at 11... 
we LOVE the Shrimp Scampi and we had not been out in ages...
it was so fun!

When we got home we prepped the chicken for the freezer...
we had a captive audience.
they ALL love chicken 
and there is no way to cook or prep it without them underfoot

Even Max!!!
Only he can climb and jump.
It's a chore to keep him out of the big middle of it all!

Costco's chicken is fabulous... still only $4.99 and always perfectly cooked.
I filled four trays and we still had some left over for a few meals this week.
Tonight I will warm some up for Mom and Dad and bake them a potato... 
Lanny and I are stuffed... we won't be eating dinner...

Took some kitchen scraps out to the garden 
and the chickens are as bad as the dogs...
I have to be very careful NOT to step on them!

Two eggs today..

Baked some potatoes and warmed up the chicken for Mom and Dad...
Lanny and I will snack... Popcorn!!!

The chores are done...
Lanny is in the shower,
I am already in my jammies!!
Ready to settle down for our movie...

last night we watched Muppet Christmas Carol.
We started early and had a bit of time 
so we also watched the Christmas Carol with Reginal Owen... 
it was made in 1938 and was only an hour long, but it's a good one...

Not sure what is on the Big Screen for tonight.
I'll let you know tomorrow.

God bless you ALL...
Goodnight and Sweet Dreams...

Isaiah 57:2
He enters into peace;
They rest in their beds,
Each one who walked in his upright way.

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Saturday on Walden's Mountain... June 29

Quiet Time...   🌎🌿 “Let the beloved of the Lord rest secure in Him.” Deuteronomy 33:12 “The Lord’s lovingkindnesses indeed never cease, fo...