Tuesday, December 6, 2022

Tuesday on the Mountain... December 6

Quiet Time...

“praying at all times in the Spirit, with all prayer and supplication. 
To that end, keep alert with all perseverance, 
making supplication for all the saints,”
‭‭Ephesians‬ ‭6‬:‭18‬ ‭ESV‬‬

Mom buzzed me several times in the night...
but God is good... He allowed me to go back to sleep quickly 
until the next buzz :-)
In spite of the interrupted sleep my Fitbit sleep score was 86 
which is pretty good (6 hours, 51 minutes of sleep)
Dad was up...
took him his coffee and made him a Breakfast Burrito...

I was sandwiched in between Mags and Murph...
I LOVE it!!

Max decided to annoy his Daddy this morning...
He insists on touching the track pad 
and keeping his paw anywhere it does NOT belong :-)

5:45 is Microgreen time...
I will be harvesting some of the lower tray today
and planting another...

This is two days germinating under weight...
it needs another day or two before it goes into black out...

Sparkley Day...

AND, 18 hours into the bone broth...
It smells SO good!!!
Gonna give it another few hours 
and them strain it get it ready to freeze dry!!

I left the sheets in the dryer yesterday :-(
I hate when I do that.
But I wrestled with the King Sized Fitted 
and at least got it in a size to fit the drawer :-)

Fed the kids their breakfast
and headed out...

Drizzling rain and chilly...

Gave the birds some left over popcorn 
and their Sparkley berries...

Lanny helped me clean the hutches. 
We removed the old hay and Bunny droppings :-) and added fresh...
the hay and poo went straight out to the garden!!!

Lazy bones...

Threw out some rice I keep in the fridge for them to snack on...
they love it and it keeps me in good standing :-)

Planted a tray of Red Acre Cabbage Microgreens...
Harvested some of the Salad Blend tray and took some to Rob and Molly...

Gave the Bunnies some Alfalfa Hay...

They don't mind if it is drizzling or even a sprinkle,
but if it starts to "rain" they come in ...

Fed Daddy some left over Chili and Rice for lunch.
Tuesday is Lannys and my fast day til supper.

Mom ate Peanut Butter and Crackers...
her favorite...

Brenna came for Mom's Physical Therapy after lunch.
Mom's blood pressure was excellent and she did good with the exercises...
She gets a star today :-)

I strained the bone broth...
look how concentrated it is!!
The fat will rise to the top and the broth will gel.
Then I will scoop the fat off before I pour it in the freeze dry trays.

Headed out to work on the coop and look for eggs...

Turned and raked the Pine Flakes and cleaned the roosts...
they love for me to turn the flakes because it is like compost
and there are often bugs under there, even in winter!

Only one egg so far today...

For supper I made BBQ Short Ribs, French Fries and Steamed Broccoli, Microgreen Salad and Pudding for Dessert...
And I forgot to take a picture...
I am usually running in to Moms room and back to the table 
and my brain just doesn't multitask like it used to :-)

Kitchen is clean, 
the chores are done...

Lanny is still out in his shop but I am ready to call it a day.
I will get on my night clothes and wait for the movie!

Last night we watched "It's a Wonderful Life"...
Tonight perhaps another Christmas Carol.
We have several versions of it from very old black and white to newer ones...
I love the old one with Alistair Sim and the newer one with Patrick Stewart...

Anyway, Goodnight my Dear Family and Friends...
"God bless us, Every One"

Sweet Dreams...

Proverbs 19:23
The fear of the Lord leads to life,
So that one may sleep satisfied, untouched by evil.

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