Saturday, December 17, 2022

Saturday on the Mountain... December 17

Quiet Time...

"Therefore the Lord Himself will give you a sign: 
Behold, a virgin will be with child and bear a son, 
and she will call His name Immanuel."
Isaiah‬ ‭7‬‬:‭14‬ ‭NASB
Every night, Daddy comes in to tell her goodnight...

She buzzed me only once in the night...

Dad was up when I got up...
I laid in for a bit... :-)

I made him a Breakfast Burrito
and then settled in with my Pack...

I read Titus and Philemon this morning...
getting close to Revelation...
only a few more days of 2022...

The greens are doing great...

These are ready to come out of the weighted dark 
and into black out...

Had to run him out to make the bed...

I brought in a few pots from the Barn Greenhouse 
to see if they like it a little warmer in here...

Out to the Flock and Fluffle...

Very still on the bottom...
Sleepy fish :-)

Fried Eggs, Sausage and Toast for the men
with a few big juicy grapes on the side...

Did a little cleaning in Mom's room...
washed the sheets from the old bed 
and put some of the bedding away...
Still some things I want to move out of there 
so it is not an obstacle course :-)


Farm dogs...

Resting from their labors :-)

Warmed up some left overs for their lunch...

Lanny went out to empty the trash and they ALL came running...
they think that if we go out that gate 
that we MUST have something for THEM!!!

We sat down after cleaning up from lunch and took a little winter rest...

Mitzi chews on her bones when we are on the couch resting...

The other two dogs are up ON the couch 
so I think she just likes a little peace and quiet sometimes :-)

We cleaned the hutches today.
Thumper is SO tidy...
he is actually using his litter box 
and never messes in the enclosed side 
where he can get away from the weather...

The girls, on the other hand, are SLOBS.
The "go" everywhere in their hutch
EXCEPT in the litterbox.
Perhaps because there are two together right now.
When they are older they will be separated 
and perhaps they will care more about their homes :-)

Paula brought over some old Rice Crispies 
and the chickens LOVED 'em!!

For Supper...
Beans and Rice and Microgreen Salad...

Three eggs today...
still an awful lot of freeloading hens out there!

Chores are done...
We are ready to call it a day!

We watched part of Amazing Grace last night...
it is such a good movie...
about William Wilberforce...
he fought for the abolition of slavery...

...we will watch the end tonight...

Goodnight Family and Friends!
God bless us, Every One...

Sweet Dreams!

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