Thursday, December 15, 2022

Thursday on the Mountain... December 15

Quiet Time...

"Those who have insight will shine brightly like the brightness of the expanse of heaven, and those who lead the many to righteousness, 
like the stars forever and ever.
 (‭‭Daniel‬ ‭12‬‬:‭3‬ ‭NASB
Mom buzzed me only once during the night...

Dad was up at 3:45, so I made his two Sausage Biscuits
and headed for the couch...

Started 1 Timothy this morning...

5:45 Microgreen Time...
These are starting to sprout under the weights...
It still amazes me that these little seeds 
can push up with 14 pounds of weight on them! 
God is so smart :-)

The two newer trays under weights...

...and these under the lights...

I ran Max out of the bed...
and you know where he headed!

Fed the fur kids,
piddled around in the kitchen...
Placed an order using InstaCart for our Christmas gathering...
we will do our abbreviated Christmas this Sunday after church...

Headed out to the Flock and Fluffle...

Misty but no real rain...

Making some more Banana Bread...
Paula brought me a bunch of over ripe ones 
and I just had to use them :-)

These loaves aren't as small as the last ones 
but still not full size loaves...
these will be gifts...

Lanny had to go to work today at the church...
I made Daddy some Pancakes on a Stick...

Banana Bread is done...

Now to some make a new cookie recipe:
Banana, Crushed Potato Chips, Chocolate Chips...
sounds odd but actually turned out VERY good!!

Wrapped the soaps I made in the fall...
they have had plenty of time to cure...
ready to be used!

Wrapped the Banana Bread...

Turned the flakes in the coop and added some fresh...
they always LOVE it when I do that...

Big Roo had to check it out first...

And the bunnies LOVE lettuce, carrots and micro greens!!

Fish are swimming around today,
but slowly :-)

We had Roast and Gravy, Mashed Potatoes 
and a Rice and Ancient Grains Dish... 
I added onions, garlic and bell peppers to it 
and it was yummy!!

SO nice to have some sun today!!!
The chores are done (even the outside ones today :-)

Ready to call it a day!
Tonight we will watch the George C. Scott Christmas Carol...

Goodnight Y'all!
God bless and Sleep Tight...

God bless us, Every One!

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