Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Wednesday on Walden's Mountain ... December 21

Quiet Time...

"By this shall all men know that ye are My disciples, 
if ye have love one to another."
John 13:35 KJV
When Lanny puts a movie in the player Max gets real excited... 
he wants to get up there SO bad and bat the tray around! 
We have to scold him several times during the process so he won't jump...

Mom only buzzed me once... the last few nights it is between 11 and 12 
and then she sleeps until 5 or so. We will hope that keeps up. :-)

Dad was up and ready for his Breakfast Burrito :-)

I read the book of James this morning.
One of my favorites!!

Had Mitzi beside me the whole time...
not common for her...

5:45 Microgreen time...

Mom and Dad's meds day...

Made the bed, usually between 6 and 7 Mom gets her morning meds, her Boost and a bowl of fruit. She won't eat a breakfast but the Boost is 360 calories and between a banana, grapes and prunes she gets a pretty good start :-)

Then out to the Flock and Fluffle...

Put rice in the Freeze Dryer.
I am anxious to see how it turns out.
I think it will be an excellent quick prep for meals.

I fed Mom and Dad their lunch 
and then Lanny and I headed to town for a "staff" lunch at Calvary.
It is SO nice to get out and I sure miss my church family.

Got to visit with a lot of my favorite people 
and the lunch was catered by Dean's Restaurant in Oak Ridge 
and DELICIOUS, as usual!!!

Circling up for prayer...

Well, Lanny and I picked up some chicken feed and some water heaters for the bunny hutches so when we got home we were busy taking care of all that... 
the weather is supposed to get a bit ugly 
so we needed to be sure the critters were taken care of...
we also drove out to the Clinton Tractor Supply 
and picked up a Kerosene Heater
Had to take a picture of Daddy's Christmas gift from James and Tasha :-)
Tasha makes this stuff using her Cricut!
His Paw Paw shirt...

The bunnies now have water bottles that will NOT freeze :-)

He was eating his carrot in his litter box... go figure!

Three eggs today...
better than one, or none :-)

Lanny and I were still stuffed.
Mom didn't want anything but her "milkshake" 
(Boost" and maybe an ice cream sandwich later :-)
I made Dad some Chicken Noodle Soup 
and a Grilled Cheese Sandwich so he was happy...

Lanny and I will snack around while we watch our movie...
I think it will be Flywheel tonight.
Another Kendrick brothers film...

So, chores are done...
I am ready for the evening...
Goodnight Y'all...
God bless and Sweet Dreams!

When you lie down, you will not be afraid; 
when you lie down, your sleep will be sweet. 
Proverbs 3:24 (NIV)

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