Thursday, December 22, 2022

Thursday on Walden's Mountain... December 22

Quiet Time...

And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, 
(and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) 
full of grace and truth. 

John 1:14 KJV 

Mom buzzed me at 11:30... becoming a new norm...
not sure how long, but it is manageable for now...
 I didn't sleep well, but not from that.
I somehow have a crick in my neck and shoulder 
that just won't go away...
couldn't get comfortable...

Dad was up so I made him a couple Sausage Biscuits 
and got him settled in...

...then I settled in to read 1 Peter...
end of the year is closing in...
I read the Bible thru every year so I will be in Revelation in a couple days...
I think I have mentioned that I am not sure which Bible Study I will do next year...
I am still thinking on it...

Microgreens at 5:45...
These were planted day before yesterday and are just starting to sprout...
two more days under weights and then to Black Out...

They are growing so well and we have Salad nearly every night...
It is SO good with just oil and vinegar.
I like either Avocado Oil or Sunflower Oil
and Balsamic....

Moved Max and made the bed...

The rice is finished freeze drying...

I bagged it three cups each.

Out to the Flock and Fluffle...

Violet... they have doubled in size since we got them...

Farm dogs...

Lanny went down town to get some insulation 
for a few of our vulnerable pipes 
and some other materials...
our canned goods are in the big barn and fairly well protected 
but still could freeze 
so he is going to tarp up the area and we may put some heat lamps in there... 
if the power goes out it will be what it will be...

I made some deli Ham Sandwiches for lunch 
and then Lanny and I rested for a bit...

He put some insulation on the new water heater pipes...

And put a tarp above the barn pantry 
and a couple heat lamps... just in case...

... two eggs today :-)

Paula made some Spaghetti Sauce, 
I made the Pasta, a Salad and Garlic Rolls...

...added Microgreen Salad (of course) and

Chores are done...
we are in our Jammies...

We will watch Time Changer tonight.
Not a first run block buster but a great movie!!!

Goodnight Family and Friends...
We LOVE you ALL!!

God bless and Sweet Dreams!

He will not let you stumble; the one who watches over you will not slumber. 
Indeed, He who watches over Israel never slumbers or sleeps. 
Psalm 121:3–4 (NLT)

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