Friday, January 13, 2023

Friday on Walden's Mountain... January 13

Quiet Time...

"He that followeth after righteousness and mercy findeth life, 
righteousness, and honour."
Proverbs 21:21 KJV
Mom buzzed twice in the night but I was able to get back to sleep...
Dad wasn't up... he got up around 4:30...

Made him a Breakfast Burrito...

The pups waiting for me...

Lanny came in around 4:30 as well...

All the Plants are doing their thing...

Flock and Fluffle...

Eggs, Bacon and Toast for the men...

Bacon for Mom...
she LOVES it!

The wind blew the lid off the feed bin and most of the feed was rained on :-(
I will ferment some and try to save as much as possible....
Lanny is fixing it...

These two LOVE the water...
whatever the temperature!

Digging in the flakes...
DEEP litter is a great place to look for buggies...

Three eggs this morning...

Sparkley Day...

Berries for the birds....

Another egg...

And another...
FIVE for today...
Maybe the fermented food is working!


Rotisserie Chicken, Mashed Potatoes and Gravy, 
Green Beans and Carrots and Salad...

Well, a bit of drama this evening...
I went out to put the feed away and there was a hawk IN the coop.
He was sitting in the corner with his head under his wings...
I netted it, but it was so listless and nonaggressive...
I called Lanny out and he got it out of the coop.
He said his neck was bloody and he was near death.
We can only assume that our big rooster did his job.
However, my sweet Gabby duck is badly hurt...

Several of the hens were missing, which scared me,
but I found three hiding under Lannys mower way out in the back of the lot.
It took us a while to coax them all into the coop for the night but they are all accounted for and are in and safe...
We had not had any hawk activity for a LONG time 
and I dread the thought of that....

Anyway, the chores are done,
we are MORE than ready to call this a day!

We didn't finish the last Lord of the Rings last night...
lots of interruptions...
so we will finish it tonight.

Goodnight Family and Friends...
God bless us, every one!!

Sweet Dreams...

“You can get excited about the future. 
The past won’t mind.” 
—Hillary DePiano, playwright and author

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Friday on Walden's Mountain... October 4

Quiet Time Bible Study... 🍂🍁 “Now the works of the flesh are evident: sexual immorality, impurity, sensuality, idolatry, sorcery, enmity, ...