Saturday, January 14, 2023

Saturday on Walden's Mountain... January 14

Quiet Time...

"Remember ye not the former things, neither consider the things of old. 
Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? 
I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert." 
Isaiah 43:18-19 KJV
Mom buzzed twice in the night... :-)
Dad was up...

Made him a couple Sausage Biscuits and settled down with my Pack...

Last tray is germinating...
one more day under weights...

Growing strong...

Putting a load of shredded cheese in the Freeze Dryer...
two trays of Mexican...

Two trays Mozzarella...

Flock and Fluffle...
I watched Gabby on the camera off and on during the evening and this morning...
she is alive but I don't know how well she is...

We got a little snow...

Don't know if this trail is a rat, a mouse or a chipmunk...
I don't want any of the above :-)

Gabby went straight to the pond...
I was hopeful at first but I think she is not going to last...
she has isolated herself away from the flock all day 
and hasn't been interested in food...

That's Penny...
If Gabby doesn't make it I will get a couple more ducks to keep Penny company...

They weren't excited about the snow...

I threw some left over popcorn in the coop for them...

Bread day...

Penny kept trying to engage Gabby all morning but she is just not well enough.

She keeps going in the pond...

First rise was crazy big!

I am going to use the bread for Sloppy Joes tomorrow 
instead of buns so I am making three bigger loaves instead of 4 regular...

One egg so far...
the drama with the hawk probably threw them off today...

Several have asked about the hawk.
His neck was very damaged and Lanny said it felt broken...
he did not live long once he carried him out of the coop.
I think Big Roo took his job seriously and protected his flock!!
We inspected him today and there was a pretty deep peck into his head.

Left over Spaghetti for Supper...

Chores are done...
We put Gabby and Penny in their duck house...
dry and cozy and warm...
I don't know if she will make it but we are hopeful...

Still didn't finish the last Lord of the Rings.
More interruptions :-)
So tonight we will try again!!!

Goodnight Sweet Family and Friends...
God bless and Sweet Dreams...

"Although no one can go back and make a brand-new start, 
anyone can start from now and make a brand-new ending."
 —Carl Bard

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