Thursday, January 12, 2023

Thursday on Walden's Mountain... January 12

Quiet Time...

"Ye have heard that it hath been said, Thou shalt love thy neighbour, and hate thine enemy. But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;" 
Matthew 5:43-44 KJV
Mom didn't buzz til 3 but I didn't have enough time to go back to sleep 
so I just laid back down til 3:45... body rest :-)
Dad was stirring around in his bed but his lights weren't on...

I got his stuff together and sure enough, after around 10 minutes 
he was up and ready for his Biscuit Roll Ups :-)

Mags and Murph were touching again...
so I had a lot of room to stretch out my legs...
on the other side :-)

The Yogurt and Ice Cream Batch was ready in the middle of the night...
but I put it on extra dry time and got to it asap this morning 
after my Quiet Time...
It came out great!!!

I may start packaging these treats for sale.
They are so unique and kids seem to LOVE 'EM!!!

The micro greens came next.
Second Day germination... lookin' good!

Here are the treats jarred up for short term storage...
they WON'T last long.

Mom's "Breakfast"...
I fix her a Boost Milkshake (yes, in a sippy cup)
with a bowl of Prunes, Banana Slices and Raisins...
she is usually ready for this around 6:30-7...

Bean Sprouts going into the fridge 
to be added to salads for the next couple days...

Flock and Fluffle Time...

Day three of the fermented food...
they know what I am bringing out and seem to be excited about it!

They also still like their corn scratch!

Bunnies got some Bean Sprouts and Carrots
along with their Bunny Pellets this morning...

Fish are just floating around...
normal for this time of year...

I threw out some old Cheerios that Shelly brought over...
just a few... they like 'em as a treat!

Made Dad and Lanny Fried Eggs, Sausage Links 
and Toast for Breakfast.

Then they headed down the hill to drop off some dog food and a dog bed at our Rescue Friend Aly's... she bought our house on Arrowwood Road and she has a fabulous Rescue. If you want a good place to donate food, 
supplies or money this is it. 
Her website is:
and she has a facebook page as well:
Aly Elliott

... if you are looking for a fur baby she always has a house full ready for adoption.

First egg of the day.
From what I am hearing this is pure gold :-)

Dad and Lanny got home a little before lunch time...
I made us all some Grilled Cheese Sandwiches and Chips...

Then Lanny and I sat down and rested...
Mom's Physical Therapy nurse came so we didn't "nap" 
but we had a nice body rest while she worked on Mom...

Brenna has her sit and stand several times and walk from the bed to the chair.
I won't let her do that without me in there 
but at least this may strengthen her legs a bit.

After Brenna left we DID snooze a bit :-)

And Max joined us.
It was POURING the rain and thundering 
so Mitzi was under our bed...
Poor baby HATES storms...

Threw out some more bits and pieces of treats...
they don't really care what it is...
rice, cheerios, old veggies...

Another golden egg :-)

Eating another serving of scratch grains :-)

Home canned Spaghetti Sauce, Ground Beef and Meatballs...

I love opening a couple jars and having dinner!

Picked some of my lettuce from my garden under lights in the dining room...

Can't tell I even picked it.
I am VERY pleased with my indoor salad garden...

Mixed in some Microgreens, some Bean Sprouts,
an English Cucumber (the only thing NOT from my garden)...
Avocado Oil and Balsamic Vinegar!

Chores are done...
Gonna watch the last Lord of the Rings tonight...

I always hate for this series to end...
such a favorite...

Goodnight Family and Friends...
God bless us, Every One...
Sweet Dreams!

“I don’t care if we have our house, 
or a cliff ledge, or a cardboard box. 
Home is wherever we all are, together.” 
– James Patterson

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Friday on Walden's Mountain... October 4

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