Friday, January 6, 2023

Friday on Walden's Mountain... January 6

Quiet Time...

"A new commandment I give unto you, that ye love one another; 
as I have loved you, that ye also love one another. "
John 13:34 KJV

Mom only buzzed once...
around midnight...

Dad was up at 3:45 so I made his Sausage Biscuits...

... then settled in for Quiet Time.
Mom buzzed around 5 but it was a quick interruption...
back to business :-)

Microgreens and Salad Garden at 5:45...

The corn from yesterdays Freeze Dry was ready for packaging...

Then it was candy experiment time...

Flock and Fluffle Time...

Candy is IN the Freeze Dryer...

Made the men some Pancakes on a Stick for Breakfast....

Murphy is not feeling well this morning and I think Maggie was sympathizing....

Cleaned up the Rabbit Hutches this morning...

Lanny was supervising :-)



The fish are fine....

Chopping us some celery to pre-freeze for the next Freeze Dryer Batch...

After the Cabbage I am just putting in...
it has been pre-freezing for a couple days and is ready to process...

The celery is ready to go in the regular freezer...

Two eggs ...
And two more later...
4 total!!

For supper I made Fish Sticks, Mac and Tomatoes, 
Broccoli and Microgreen Salad!!!

Kitchen is clean,
Chicken feed is safely away,
Puppy Piles have been removed...
we are ready to call it a day!!!

...we will continue with the Hobbit tonight.
We made it thru half of the second one last night :-)

Goodnight Family and Friends!!
God bless us, Every One!

Sweet Dreams!

“We all get the exact same 365 days. 
The only difference is what we do with them.” 
– Hillary DePiano

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