Thursday, January 5, 2023

Thursday on Walden's Mountain ... January 5

Quiet Time....

"Take therefore no thought for the morrow: 
for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. 
Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof." 
Matthew 6:34 KJV
Mom buzzed only once around midnight...

Dad was awake at 3:45...
Fixed him a Breakfast Burrito...

 ...then settled on the couch... 

...until Mom buzzed at 4:30...
short interruption :-)

Even Mitzi stayed for awhile this morning...

The screen media seems to be working alright...
we shall see how it goes as the days go by...

I'm gonna make up a bunch of cookies to freeze and bake later...

When they are frozen I will put them into ziplock bags 
and whenever we want hot, fresh cookies I will just bake them 
as I normally would... 
but only as many as we want right then!!!

Flock and Fluffle Time...
Cool, but not horribly cold as it was last week!!!

Made Dad and Lanny a big Bacon, Egg, Bell Pepper, 
Onion and Cheese Omelet and Toast... with Homemade Jelly, of course!

There are VERY FEW men that know how to do 
as many things as my Lanny knows how to do!!! 
Over the years we have had to hire very few professional people 
to do any repairs or maintenance around our home!!! 
He is amazing!!! And cute too! πŸ₯°
...he is 76 years young and still going strong!

I am very thankful for him and very proud of him!
Today he is plumber!

I warmed up the left over Noodles and Turkey from last night for Lanny and Dad's lunch... then Lanny and I sat down for just a few minutes...

...before he went down to OR Hardwood for some mulch!

The mulch really helps with the muddy puddles!

Two eggs today!

Added some Pork and Cabbage to the Black Eyed Peas from Sunday 
and a little Corn and we had a delicious soup!!! And cornbread!

Chores are done...
We will watch the end of the first Hobbit tonight... 

I don't think we have been able to watch an entire movie 
from beginning to end in a LONG time...
not just because it's long... the buzzer goes off at least three or four times...
potty time for Mom, Dad's headphones stopped working, 
someone needs a Tylenol, etc., etc... 
I DO get a LOT of steps on my FitBit tho... that is a bonus! :-)

Anyway, we are calling it a day...
Goodnight Y'all!!

God bless and Sweet Dreams!

"Life is like riding a bicycle. 
To keep your balance, you must keep moving."
Albert Einstein

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